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Spectacular San Juan Wildlife

Whale near shore

Jordan | July 5, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

We had such a fantastic day on the water! It started out as one of the warmest days of the summer, so people were feeling pretty toasty in their adventure suits as we sat on the dock. Luckily it cooled down as our speedy boat created its own wind and that cool sea air swirled around us. Captain Mike and I heard whispers of whales in Canada so we voyaged north!

Just as we reached the southern tip of Moresby Island, we suddenly found two humpback whales! They actually surfaced really close to our boat so captain Mike was forced to shut off the engine! You could hear their powerful breaths in the dead silence of our guests hushed in awe. Eventually we had to move on and we headed even further north to Active Pass where we found the T65As! This family of Bigg’s (transient) orcas was traveling along the shoreline, scanning for any possible seals hiding within its crevices. They were so enjoyable to watch! T65A6 is one of the youngest whales in this region, born only a few months ago, so watching him being so playful with his family was great. And it's always nice to see big brother T65A2, the large male in the group, setting a great example for the baby.

Then, as we headed back towards America, we found another pod of transient whales off of Saturna Island! The T124s were traveling along the island shore, exploring and enjoying life. Just as we were about to leave, we spotted two bald eagles perching at the top of a tree right at Murder Point! So elegant and perfectly posed together on a rickety branch, they served as a reminder that mated bald eagles will stick together for the rest of their lives.

Then we sped to Spieden Island and found some baby seals! These pups were so adorable flopping around next to their moms, trying to get warm atop their rocky sanctuary. Then we spotted some mouflon sheep galloping across the grass with their babies! So cute!

There was so much wildlife today, it was pretty overwhelming! But quite spectacular. We headed home feeling so lucky that we were able to witness so much beauty all in one day! 

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