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Sunday "Fun"day -- Orcas make a splash

A little "liquid sunshine" (what the locals call drizzle) did not keep us from a great wildlife tour today!  First stop was a collection of harbor seals lounging in that liquid sunshine on a rock outcrop near Griffin Bay.  We were on the lookout for some new pups, recently born, as this is pupping season!  As we headed south out of Cattle Pass, we saw a large collection of birds including rhinoceros auklets and Heermann’s gulls feeding at the surface of the water.  Then we saw the spray.  Two minke whales were feeding nearby (48°25.432N, 122°57.013W).  Minke whales commonly consume small fish and krill.  After observing these mammals for a few minutes, we turned west in search of the largest member of the Delphinidae (dolphin) family, the ORCA!  Three miles off Eagle Point of San Juan Island (48°24.816N, 123°52.887W), we saw several orcas actively feeding and diving.  J26 “Mike” and J28 “Polaris” were out and about.  L85 “Mystery” was also hunting for salmon.  The residents were showing flukes-- cartwheeling and tail slapping.  Some spy-hopping was observed.  Splashing and rolling too.  We observed these endangered creatures for a bit, and then ventured back over to Long Island, just south of Lopez Island.  Here we found a breeding pair of bald eagles with a juvenile bald eagle 20 feet away, sitting on the edge of the nest.  Incredible!  As we came around Whale Rock, a stellar sea lion was lounging in between the pelagic cormorants and gulls.  It is unique to see stellar sea lions here in July, as this species of pinniped has traveled north into Canada and Alaska by June.  At this point, it was time to return to Friday Harbor, but a great Sunday afternoon on the water.

SJS Naturalist Jenny


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