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A Sunset of Whales

Sunset trips happen to be Captain Mike and I's favorite trips to go out on with our guests. Tonight was great! We left Friday Harbor and went to the south end of San Juan Island, through Cattle Pass and into the Haro Strait. The whales were right off of Eagle Point and were spread out feeding. Mega (L-41) was there, as well as Ocean Sun (L-25) who happens to be the oldest female in L-Pod. These guys seemed to be on a course of their own hunting for the Chinook Salmon they prefer to eat. They were surfacing many times without a consistent path of travel. That however, worked in our favor because we were able to get some great views of the whales!

We also saw three Minke Whales which happen to be one of the smallest baleen whales! The Minkes came awfully close to our boat and were feeding on the large quantity of Krill and Sand Lance in the area. Minkes are pretty small whales at only 25-30 feet long but definitely look very cool up close!

As we headed back to Friday Harbor, the sun was beginning to set. We left the towering dorsal fins in the background to hunt and continue on without us. It was a beautiful scene...very peaceful and calm. I love our evening trips!

Heather, Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion

San Juan Safaris

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