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Superpod is Back!

Caitlin, myself, and captain Mike left our Friday Harbor location today to head to the West side of San Juan Island. There is usually only one reason why we head to the West side. Yep, you guessed it! The Southern Resident Killer Whales are back and we were all VERY excited to welcome them home!

A "superpod" is a phenomenon when all 82 Resident Orcas travel together, usually to get to one area- in our case come back into the Salish Sea! Superpod days are always my favorite, and even if I'm not working, you'll find me on a boat! It is just so much fun to watch members of all three pods carry on breaching, spyhoping, lobtailing, cartwheeling... It's a photographers dream!

Today we got some very close encounters with one of my favorite whales, J34- Doubble Stuff. We also spend some close-up personal time with K26- Lobo who was being rather lazy in his pectoral slapping, spy hoping and logging at the waters surface. I guess I can give him a break, they did just travel about 100 miles that night while coming back in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I felt very lucky to have them back. What a great day, I didn't want it to end!

Heather, Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion
San Juan Safaris

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