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T019 Orcas in the Strait of Georgia

Elle | M/V Osprey | 8/24/2022 | 1:30 PM

Today’s trip was a long haul into Canada! We heard reports of Bigg’s killer whales way north and sped as fast as we could to catch up to them. Finally, north of Saturna Island we encountered two adult whales. Mom Nootka and her eldest son Galiano, named after the nearby Galiano Island. We watched these whales zigzag through the Strait of Georgia, admiring Galiano’s massive floppy fin. This 30ft whale dwarfed his 24ft mother as they swam side-by side further up into Canada. After this encounter, we enjoyed a glimpse at some harbor seals and a bald eagle, sunning themselves after a recent swim. It was a long trip, but well worth it for some amazing wildlife encounters.

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