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T037a's Hunting in Rosario Strait

lunging killer whale

Kelly | M/V Osprey | 8/9/22 | 12:30pm

There was a pleasant cool breeze in the air as we left Friday Harbor on this tuesday afternoon. It was a wonderful departure from the hot weather we’ve been experiencing. We had just received a report of Biggs Killer whales in the south and were excited to travel inter-island to get to their reported location. As we weaved through islands on our journey south, a small group of harbor porpoise surfaced quickly as we passed by the mouth of Eastsound.

First stop on our journey was Pea Pod rocks, a cluster of very small rocky islands. These islands were filled with harbor seals! We’re in the middle of our pupping season here which means tons of adorable harbor seal pups learning to swim and lounging with mom along the rocks. Harbor seals experience something called embryonic diapause, which is essentially delayed implantation of the egg. This allows all harbor seal moms to give birth around the exact same time. Just beyond the harbor seal haul out site, a solo bald eagle was perched atop the highest point on the rocks. We let the current take us slowly past the last of these rocky reefs until changing course to check out those Biggs killer whales.

This family of Biggs killer whales is known as the T037a’s and consists of, • T037a2- Volker (matriarch) • T037a2- Inky • T037a3- Crinkle • T037a5- (?) As soon as we arrived on scene with this family, there was an immediate change in behavior. The group began milling in the same area, surfacing frequently. The entire family appeared to be actively engaged in a hunt! Big splashes and tail slaps erupted from the group as they began to circle the same area. Inky (t037a2) the adult male in the group, showing off that 6ft dorsal fin as they twisted their bodies at the surface during this thrilling pursuit. Just as captain Gabe announced we only had about 10 more minutes left with the family, the matriarch Volker (T037a2) lunged almost her entire body out of the water! The entire boat erupted in cheers… and then another full body lunge! Unfortunately, we had already spent a while with the family, and it was now time to turn around and head back the harbor. The entire boat was buzzing as we made our way back to Friday harbor! So amazing to see the entire family working together to coordinating during that hunt. Thanks to everyone who joined us on this awesome trip!

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