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Today we traveled all the way to Victoria to see some Transient killer whales. It was the T10s grouped in their usual threesome traveling near shore just off Clover Point (Canada 48°23.97N 123°21.90W). Although a small group, they did not seem like something I’d want to mess with!! Moving like a pack of wolves they scoured the shoreline in search for marine mammals. Within minutes of our presence, they had made a kill. Now it is a given that these animals are going to be aggressive in making a kill, they are obviously the top predators of the ocean for a reason, but their proficiency in doing so is simply remarkable.

We left them heading east for Haro Strait as we made our way back to San Juan. We had just enough time to make a quick stop at Whale Rocks, and wouldn’t ya know it, there were AT LEAST 20 Steller Sea Lions hauled out and striking a pose.

Nice day on the water Id say!

Naturalist Tara, San Juan Safaris

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