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The Three Minketeers!

Although Minke Whales are typically solitary animals, we saw 3 of them today traveling in close proximately to one another in Haro Strait (south of Salmon Bank and San Juan Island, 48°24.97N 122°59.02). They were all doing their Minke thing, traveling from bait ball to bait ball and lunging after any food in their path. They surfaced multiple times showing off the full extent of their bodies from rostrum, to dorsal fin, to the entire length of their back. At one point they even surrounded us, one on each side of the boat. As we turned around to head back in, we were pleasantly surprised with the third Minke who had paid us a nice visit across our bow, up close and personal, and continued to cross alongside our port for all guests to see.

These 30+ ft. whales are often underappreciated, but today they were brilliant!

Naturalists Jen Jelly and Tara, San Juan Safaris

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