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Transient Orcas Off Discovery Island and a Minke Whale off Middle Bank with Special Guest Star: Harbor Porpoises

Dalls Porpoise near San Juan Island

What a great day we had today!  Captain Mike and I started out the afternoon with reports of orcas off Discovery Island over by Victoria, B.C.  After boarding we headed south down San Juan Channel and passed by Cattle Point Lighthouse.  As we headed northwest up Haro Strait we approached Discovery Island.  We could see dorsal fins in the distance and were very excited as we approached. 

WIthin a few moments it was clear that we were with Biggs Killer Whales- more specifically the T123s.  This family has the mom- the matriarch of the family- as well as her eldest son who is 18 yesars old.  There were also two younger calfs with her, one younger sister who is 6 years old as well as a new baby that we'd only seen a few times prior!  This calf was so young they still had that rosy hue to them- such a fun sight to see!  

After hanging out with these awesome orcas for awhile it was eventually time to start the trek back.  Along the way though we got to see some AMAZING looks at Harbor Porpoise!  This was some of the best and closest looks to them I've seen!  It was awesome!  The show didn't end though, as we continued on we were treated to some great looks at two Minke whales near Middle Bank.  

Finally we stopped by Whale Rocks and enjoyed some great looks at Steller Sea Lions before heading back to Friday Harbor.  What an awesome trip this was!

Until Next Time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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