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Transient Orcas On Opening Day Out!

     Exciting first day on the water! Not only were we rewarded with an unseasonably gorgeous, sunny day, but, after 1 ½ hours of getting to the whales (this is very unusual, usually we travel about 30 to 45 minutes), we caught up with approximately 7 Transients traveling in Swainson Channel, just off Salt Spring Island, and with Ganges Harbor in sight. Since transients tend to travel in very small groups, 3 – 5, our sighting today was exceptional.  Also exceptional was the fact that they continually surfaced, which gave us many good views.

     On the way back, a fantastic showing of Bald Eagles on Stuart Island, including one perched confidently on the red roof of the lighthouse.  Slow tour along Spieden Island ended with a mini-herd of Stellar Sea Lions (7-8) in a tight knit circle, right at Green Point, poised upright, noses in the air, seemingly frozen in place (& appearing to be worshiping the sun!).

Naturalists Lori, Shelly, and Colleen

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