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Leaving Friday harbor we had reports of transients around Hein Bank moving southwest.  We cruised in to the area of Hein Bank about an hour and a half later and realized that the whales had made some distance towards Port Angeles.  Finally the whales came in to site.  Our passengers couldn't have been happier.  We got a few good looks at the group of about 6 whales.  There was a very identifiable male with a tall dorsal that kind of curved at the top.  There was also a very recognizable calf in the mix.  We paralleled them for about 20 minutes as we headed closer and closer to the Olympic peninsula.  We departed soon after and headed back home.  But first we got to see some Steller Sea Lions hauled out on Whale Rocks.  It was the icing on the cake.

You can't beat calm water, clear skies, Mt. Baker, The Olympics, and Transients!

Mike - Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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