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As we left Friday Harbor there were no reports of Orca Whales so we motored south where a few Minke Whales had been seen.  Along the way we stopped for harbor seals resting on Turn Island and Steller Sea Lions sunning themselves on Whale Rocks.  We then cruised to Salmon Bank to look for the Minke Whales.  We only had to wait a few minutes before a Minke Whale surfaced 200 yards from the boat!   At that same time the Captain received a call on the radio that Orca Whales had been seen in East Sound.  It was clear the word had spread as the handful of boats viewing the Minke Whale all turned and headed north. 

When we arrived in East Sound we saw 7 Transient Killer Whales traveling south down the middle of the sound (48°37.366N, 122°52.303W).  Generally Transient Killer Whales travel in small groups, 3-5 individuals, and are stealthy and elusive as they are hunting marine mammals.  However, this pod was very surface active: spyhopping, lobtailing, cartwheeling and rolling around at the surface.  We were all excited to witness the variety of behaviors and had excellent views as the whales changed direction and surprised us by cruising against the shore.  Just goes to show that there is always a chance to see Killer Whales even if there are no reports at the beginning of the tour.

Amy, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris Whale Watching and Wildlife Tours


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