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Transients Galore!

Today we left Friday Harbor with reports of transients ours by Waldron Island.  Transient orca are the marine mammal eating ecotype of orca that we see in this area.  On the way to the orca reports we came across a few harbor porpoise.  We pulled up to the area where the 6 transient orcas were reported to be and immediately saw a lone harbor seal in the area.  We watched the harbor seal go under the water and then saw the transient orcas dive as well.  After they spent a few minutes under the water the orcas resurfaced with the dead seal in their mouth.  It was as if the orcas were showing our boat that they had just killed the seal!  After the display of their meal they then became very surface active and started tail slapping and breaching all over the place!  After watching the feeding celebration we headed towards another group of 3 transients in Presidents Channel.  There was a juvenile in the group of transients at presidents channel who was being very playful and breaching frequently.  As a naturalist I can safely say that this was the best day I have had on the water to date!

Naturalist Rachel

M/V Sea Lion, San Juan Safaris

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