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Transients up North

We headed north with reports of Orca up near Pender Island.  By the time we were on the water about 30 minutes the next report came in that the whales were moving steadily north towards active pass.  We were committed to finding Orca for our passengers so we continued on.  As we reached active pass we slowed and tucked on the side as the big BC ferry came through.  While we waited for it to pass we were able to spot an eagle perched at the top of the highest tree.

We came around the corner and entered the pass and were lucky enough to spot the whales.  There were five transients cruising north.  After a few good looks we recognized a calf in the mix along with the big male T87.  We viewed the whales for about 20 minutes as they moved through the pass and turned to the west as the exited.  The passengers were in awe of the whales.  On the way home we stopped and saw some steller sea lions, lots of harbor seals, and a pair of bald eagles.  And the sun even came out!!


Mike - Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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