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Transients at Sucia

Today we left the harbor and headed north toward Sucia Island.  Once there we spotted a small pod of transients.  There were 3.  One female, one male, and one calf.  They were taking long dives with a few breaths at their surface intervals before they dove again.  They were  cruising along, with one quick stop that I thought might have been a hunting opportunity, but after a brief spyhop from the big male they continued along their merry way.  When we first saw them they were on the east side of the island.  When we left them it looked as though they were about to complete their circumnavigation as they turned the corner and headed up the west side.

We peeled away and turned back toward the harbor.  We stopped to view some harbor seals and a bald eagle and then stopped to watch a group of harbor porpoise cruising at top speed and porpoising at the surface (ironically right outside of the harbor).

Laura, naturalist

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