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Triple Humpback Whales!

Humpback Whale

[Sunday, 5/20/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


On this sunny day in May, Captain Mike and I took a lovely group of folks out to look for some great wildlife. We headed north through Boundary Pass, up Plumper Sound, and through the windy cliff-bordered waterways of Georgensen Pass into the Strait of Georgia. Out in the the middle of the Strait there were three adult Humpback Whales gathered round each other! They were super close to each other and were gently swimming north through the Strait. They all were so big and had very unique tails, but they did not bring them up high enough for me to identify any of them. It was so cool to see them grouped up like that. Usually in the Salish Sea Humpbacks are travelling solo, and we sometimes see a mom and a calf pair. Humpback Whales can recognize each other and maybe that is what was happening here. We watched them travel for awhile and marveled at their incredible size, but eventually had to leave. Next, Mike and I headed south to East Point where we saw a ton of Harbor Seals, Steller Sea Lions, and even a Bald Eagle! What a another great day! Until next time folks!


Naturalist Erick

San Juan Safaris

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