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Two Families of Bigg's Killer Whales Near Patos Island!

Bigg's Killer Whales in Canadian Waters

Laura C. | 6-22-2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30pm

The 5:30pm whale watch was gorgeous!  We headed north aboard M/V Sea Lion and were ecstatic to find two families traveling together near Patos Island, T36As and T65As!  There was no mistaking the large teenage male of the T65A family as he cruised along with his mother and siblings.  The calf seemed very energetic this evening and may have been excited to be a part of a special social gathering with another family.  Watching the exhalations flow in unison as the two families traveled together was breathtaking!  The passengers and crew were able to enjoy watching these majestic animals mingle together for quite a while along a beautiful sunset. 

Once we started heading back we caught some glimpses of harbor porpoise traveling along a calming sea.  As we were docking our boat and felt fulfilled with our exciting wildlife experience a lion mane jelly came right by our port side!  This jelly was a great reminder that the wildlife excursion never truly ends until you have left the boat and stepped onto dry land.  This evening was a fantastic example of how special these killer whales are and how we cherish every moment we get to spend with them as they live out there lives in this intricate habitat.

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