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Today we traveled all the way to Victoria to see one lone transient.  He was magnificent.  It was a long haul but when we arrived he appeared to be patrolling up and down the rocks.  He has one of the broadest dorsal fins I have ever seen.

The word on the street was that he had been harassing a sea lion prior to our arrival.  When we got there he was just cruising, back and forth along the rocks, occasionally rolling slightly on his side as if he was looking up toward the rocks to see what was on the lunch menu.  It was pretty cool.  After a bit of whale watching we began the long journey home.  Thanks to a ripping 5-6knot tidal flood, we made it there in record time.  We stopped for a group of Steller's Seal Lions hauled out on whale rocks and in the water below.  On the way home the clouds parted and gave way to sun and flat water.  Seals were lounging.  Porpoises were frolicking.  Fantastic.

Laura, San Juan Safaris

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