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Watching Whales in the Fog

The M/V "Sea Lion" again went south from our Friday Harbor docks in hopes of locating minke whales. And again we were rewarded with great views of a very active minke whale. The beast kept lunging for schooling bait fish, flushing up the dense sea bird flocks that were competing for the same food source.

We were lucky to spend several minutes viewing the feeding frenzy before the sea fog moved in, reducing our visibility to an eighth of a mile! The fog was disorienting for all but our fearless Captain Mike, who safely navigated our steed among the rocks. Our course took us north to the Wasp Islands where we found clear skies. The improved visibility revealed scenic views, as well as bald eagles and seals to the eager eyes of our guests.

Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion
San Juan Safaris

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