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Whale Report June 27

With reports of Resident Orcas on the west side of San Juan Island and Transient Orcas north of Stuart Island, it was a tough call on which direction to take. Fortunately, heading north to search for Transients turned out to be a great choice! At Blundand Island (Gulf Islands, BC) we caught up to about 8 or more tightly grouped whales (48°43’86N 123°10’9W), including T102, that seemed to be slowly moving along the island until something kicked a pair into action and they repeatedly porpoised along the island, took a long dive, then surfaced along with the rest of the group.

Harbor porpoises were everywhere today - milling in San Juan Channel and in Boundary Pass.

We also watched Bald Eagles perched, as they kept an eye on their territory at Cactus Islands, along with one spotted on the flag pole at the end of Stuart Island, and another 2 at Flat Top Island. One was even perched on top of the National Wildlife Refuge sign. We also saw two Great Blue Herons at John’s Island.

Another great day on the water; sunny skies, glass-like seas, and excellent wildlife viewing!

Naturalists Tara, Kristen, and Shelly; San Juan Safaris

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