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Whale Soup.

Southern Resident Killer Whales were spread out from Salmon Bank to False Bay today (48°26.51N, 123°02.29W). 

We viewed at least 20 individual whales but there were a number of other Killer Whales seen in all directions further in the distance.  We were in whale soup.  The whales were spread out traveling west.  There were so many whales at one point we shut off our engines, dropped the hydrophone to listen to the whales vocalize, and simply watched the whales go by.  With our engines off we were also able to hear the exhales of the whales as they surfaced. 

As we began to motor back to Friday Harbor we saw another group of Killer Whales bringing up the rear.  We stopped and watched these animals cruise by and again began to motor back.  We didn’t get very far though before another group of 8 Killer Whales surfaced.  These whales were traveling in very close proximity with one another and included J37 “Hy’Shqa” and her calf J49!

Naturalist Amy, San Juan Safaris Whale Watching and Wildlife Tours


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