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Whale Watching Report for Monday, April 23, 2012 From San Juan Island

Whale Watching Report for Monday, April 23, 2012

We pulled out of Friday Harbor under bright skies. There was a whale report of animals near Anacortes headed south. So we headed south down the east side of San Juan Island. We made a stop near the south end of San Juan Island to view about 14 big, fat Stellar Sea Lions. Most were hauled out. The few near water’s edge seemed to be having a vocal and physical ‘tiff’.

I’ll spare you the ½ hour that we and several other boats searched miles of water. When we joined the orcas they were In Haro Straight, SE of Victoria, Canada. And they were headed west into open waters. It was a part of J pod that we were viewing – about 8 animals. They were in traveling mode. We watched the rhythmic up-for- air/down/travel/up-for-air. A youngster gave several tail slaps. And there were a few ‘spy hops’. No vocalizations. We were all a bit mesmerized.

On the way home we had a great view of a mature Bald Eagle at ‘The Cape’. (Capt. Kramer’s spot). Then as we were traveling in, oh we were south of Turn Island between San Juan Island and Lopez Island . . . not 1 or 2 or 3, but more likely 18 – 20 Harbor Porpoise (a guest yelled out at the first sighting). There were also Common Murres about. Then just like yesterday, right in the harbor near the ferry landing a group of Pigeon Guillemots, about 5 of them were fishing.

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