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Whales, whales, and more whales!

MV Osprey- Naturalist Alexandria- Monday, June 21st, 202- 12:30


We had a wonderful time today onboard MV Osprey. As we boarded onto this vessel we knew it was going to be a gorgeous day. The sun was shining and as far as Washington standards go it was a warm toasty day, and the thought of being out on the water was the perfect plan for the day. As we boarded onto the vessel we left the dock with naturalists Laura, Maxx and Alexandria. 


As we headed down San Juan channel we were lucky enough to spot some harbor seals hauled out near Lopez Island sunning themselves in the sunshine. Continuing south we found one of our favorite spots full of stellar sea lions and more harbor seals as well as some California see lions sprinkled in. We hung out with these pinnipeds for a bit and then continued heading out, this time shifting our direction southwest as per reports captain Gabe had heard on the radio about numerous transient orcas swimming in our direction! 


We eagerly continued towards those reports and were certainly not disappointed. As we approached we were met by numerous families of these transient orcas that were all frolicking near Middlebank. We were very excited to be greeted by so many large dorsal fins- some 

swimming by us making for the perfect photo opportunity. As we spent more time on the water with these beautiful animals they shifted their  direction and swam off towards Mount Baker. This made for an incredible backdrop to an already incredible afternoon with these- of course- incredible animals. 


Not only were the whales amazing on this trip but all the guests were so excited and fun to be around that this easily has to be one of my favorite trips of the season! 


Until next time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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