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What else could we have seen?

"What else could we have possibly have seen today?" was a great question that I was asked as we headed back into the harbor.  "Not much" was my answer.  We had an amazing encounter with resident whales today that started with them spread out all over the south west side of the island, merging into small groups, and ended with them meeting up, West Side Story style (without the violence), and then all swimming off into the sunset together.  There were somewhere between 20 and 30 whales out there.  We identified K's (baby in tow) and J's (Blackberry and L87 were hanging together with a bunch of juveniles and females).

On our way out we saw seals, sea lions (Steller's), and Phalaropes.  On the way back in we saw Dall's porpoise, a few Harbor porpoise here and there, and an Osprey!  It was an awesome day.  It was also the longest I have made it in a t-shirt.  Almost a half an hour in!  Amazing.

Laura, Naturalist

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