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White Water Whale Watching

The Salish Sea is experiencing massive tidal exchanges recently. The full moon is the closest it will be to our planet for all of 2013 (a mere 221,824 miles). Its mass exerts an incredible force of attraction that pulls on the oceans.

Our guests marveled at the manifestation of that force today as Captain Mike bulldozed through massive waves and abysmal whirlpools created by the strong flood current. It reminded me of some class four rivers that I’ve rafted down. Even the burly M/V “Sea Lion” was getting shoved around in the maelstrom causing its riders to brace firmly against the railings and deck. As the conveyer belt of rapids spit us out, I swear I could feel my cheeks getting pulled back by speeds rarely experienced by our boat (22 knots, approximately 25 miles per hour!).

The wildlife was loving it! Harbor seals and porpoises popped up alongside the boat in boils where upwelling water brought food to the surface. Glaucous-winged gulls were landing on top of the seals as they surfaced in an attempt to steal the scraps. Out at Salmon Bank several minke whales were fishing. One such whale surfaced with a loud blow so close to our stern that an incredulous guest was heard whooping with hysteria for several seconds before strange looks and laughing onlookers overwhelmed the emotion.

Naturalist (M/V "Sea Lion")
San Juan Safaris

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