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Who Doesn't Love Cookies

Canada was our destination today, so we left Friday Harbor heading north fast. The longer trip was well worth it though. We spotted at least fifteen members of J-pod just off the west side of North Pender (48°48.22’N 123°19.93’W) traveling north. The whales were very close, almost on top of each other—true family bonding! We identified members of both the J-22’s including “Oreo” (J-22)and her son “Cookie” (J-38), the J-17’s including “Princess Angeline” (J-17) and her daughter “Polaris” (J-28), along with some other J’s “Samish" (J-14) and her son” Riptide” (J-30).
These whales were especially playful today: breaching, cartwheeling, spy hopping, lob tailing, rolling over, and swimming sideways were just a few of the amazing behaviors we witnessed. The cookie family seemed to be showing a lot more dough than their chocolate chip side today. :)

~Tara and Kristen, Naturalists, San Juan Safaris


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