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A Wildlife Adventure

What a diversity of wildlife today, birds, seals and orcas. Just north of Lopez Island we saw a mature bald eagle (with a white head and tail) and a great blue heron about 10 feet away. Then we headed further south and saw some very large black dorsal fins. We knew right away that we were looking at some mature male orcas. We were then able to determine that we were looking at L-pod based on the saddle patches.

L-pod is the largest pod of the Southern Resident Community of orcas. There are about 39 orcas in this pod. The Southern Resident Orcas have been listed as an endangered species in the United States and in Canada.

We watched a few animals as they milled around the west side of San Juan Island, near False Bay. We then ventured offshore and found a few more individuals from L-pod. We saw a breach and a spy hop. As we returned to the San Juan Channel we encountered a few harbor seals swimming and a few hauled out at various locations. We also got some great views of the adorable pups.

Another great adventure in the San Juans with San Juan Safaris!

Naturalist Jeannette
Orca Whales and Wildlife Are Our Only Business. ©

San Juan Island near Seattle: Home to the Southern Resident Killer Whales
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