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Wildlife in the San Juans

What a phenomenal day for wildlife viewing in the San Juan Islands. We headed south in the San Juan Channel and then up the west side of San Juan Island.

We encountered L-pod off shore of False Bay. It was amazing out there. The water was so calm, we shut down our engines and listened to the orcas as they surfaced to breathe. Every encounter with the orcas is amazing but today was exceptional. Orcas everywhere.

On the way back to Friday Harbor we took a look at Long Island to see a Bald eagles nest. We also saw a beautiful mature bald eagle. We then saw some Harbor seals hauled out on Whale Rocks. Lots of pups were born this year and they are very adorable. And just when everyone thought we were done viewing wildlife we saw Harbor porpoises.

Another great adventure with San Juan Safaris.
Naturalist Jeannette Miller

Orca Whales and Wildlife Are Our Only Business. ©

San Juan Island near Seattle: Home to the Southern Resident Killer Whales
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