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Update On Oil Spill and Our Oceans

NOAA Confirms Presence of Subsea Oil Plumes in Gulf By:  Lea Winerman The federal government confirmed Tuesday that subsea clouds of dispersed oil have been found at least 40 miles from the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The finding, which confirms what some independent scientists first reported last month, has renewed concerns over the effects of the oil spill on deep-sea life. "NOAA is confirming the presence of very low concentrations of subsurface...


Orca Whales and Mountain Vistas

The reports were in, telling us to search near the west side of San Juan Island for a group of L-pod orca whales.  We arrived at False Bay shortly after departing from Friday Harbor.  A cross-cultural crew of guests from Singapore to Kentucky adjusted their binoculars and were ready to see our famous Southern Resident Orcas.  Their dreams of visiting the remarkable San Juan Islands this summer had finally become a reality.  From the sunny deck of the Sea Lion we saw a tall, glossy...


Who's Who?

L pod!  Transients?  L pod?  Transients!

It was a confusing day with orcas today.  With L pod having been spotted the day before in Haro Strait, when orcas were first seen off the Southern end of San Juan Island everyone assumed it was the Residents again.  The whale watch fleet was deployed, as were the various researchers, to spend time with our famed orcas.  What a surprise it was then, especially to me since I had just informed our boat load of guests all about the local pods...


The Farthest North We've Ever Been

Today was a great day; sunny and calm with a strong flood current pushing us north. With no reports of Orcas we headed north to East Point on Saturna Island to seek out Harbor Seals and Steller Sea Lions. When we flew passed three magnificent Steller Sea Lions swimming in the water, without any time for our passengers to take a look, I went into the wheelhouse to check in with the captain. Transient Orcas had been found even further north off of Mayne Island in the Strait of Georgia...


Blue Skies in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Near Seattle

It is GORGEOUS here this morning. We will be pulling away from the docks at 1:00 from now until October 2.  June 12 starts our additional "Sunset Orca Whale Watching Tour" at 5:30 pm. At that time of the year it stays light until 10 PM.

No official orca report YET today, but J pod of orca whales have been in the area recently, so we are feeling pretty good about today's tour.

Stay tuned for the naturalists report this evening. Over and out for now, Colleen


Resident Killer Whales off the West Side of San Juan Island!

What a first day back on the job! This is my third season working for San Juan Safaris. At the beginning of every season I can't wait to get back out on the water. Today was my first day back on the boat and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect welcome back! We departed Friday Harbor having heard word that the Southern Resident Killer Whales were off the coast of Victoria headed eastbound. Captain Craig informed me that rough seas might make an encounter with the orcas a no-go...


Of Wind and Waves

Hello intrepid adventurers! As you know, some days are good, some days are bad and some are hard to define. Is it automatically a bad day if there are no orcas? What if there are whales or eagles or porpoises or just really lovely weather? What if you miss the ferry that you really wanted to be on, but you now get to explore the town of Friday Harbor and have dinner overlooking the water? There are many subtle shades of grey that make of the content of a day and therefore define...


Adventure on the Inland Seas Near The San Juan Islands

We had a last minute private charter today. I was scheduled to laminate, type and answer phones from 8am to 5pm, when in the middle of the afternoon, a man called wanting to charter the boat. His family from Denmark had been delayed an extra week in the states, not able to make it home because of the ash over Europe. The Icelandic that volcano grounded all planes. A lovely family, they enjoyed talking amongst themselves, and translating the stories and facts to their grandmother. The...


A Wildlife Adventure

What a diversity of wildlife today, birds, seals and orcas. Just north of Lopez Island we saw a mature bald eagle (with a white head and tail) and a great blue heron about 10 feet away. Then we headed further south and saw some very large black dorsal fins. We knew right away that we were looking at some mature male orcas. We were then able to determine that we were looking at L-pod based on the saddle patches.

L-pod is the largest pod of the Southern Resident Community of orcas...

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