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pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Spring Showers Brings March.. Whales

Olivia Esqueda | March 25th, 2025 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30pm

Today was truly such a fun time out on the water, despite the rain! We had nearly a full boat of passengers all ready to go out and see what the day brings. Starting out our travels, we headed northwest through Spieden Channel and eventually crossing the Haro Strait into Sidney Channel. Right as the rain started to pick up, we spotted two groups of two orcas, all part of the same family, the T069’s. This matriline of Bigg’s Killer Whales...

pc: Lauren Tschirhart, San Juan Safaris

Waldron Killer Whales Spy Hop Down Presidents Channel

Olivia | M/V Osprey | August 21st, 2024 | 12:30pm

Summer season out here in the San Juan Islands is considered peak season, bringing in the opportunity to see potentially two ecotypes of Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, and Gray Whales. While statistics continually reflect on that, every day is a brand-new adventure on where or what type of whale it is we are going to see. Starting off August, we had a bit of a Killer Whale lull in the Salish Sea, where Pacific Whale Watch...

pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Whale Report Blogging is Back!

Olivia | San Juan Safaris | August 19th, 2024 

After a long hiatus while getting our NEW website up and running, our daily blogs are back! 

We will be documenting whale and wildlife sightings daily from all three of our vessels to provide a sneak peak of where we’ve been traveling and what wildlife has been visiting the Salish Sea- while hopefully teaching you something along the way. We will also be providing bonus material for extra education and conservation topics, and photos of course! 



Party At the Port of Friday Harbor on San Juan Island

Come Celebrate the Port of Friday Harbor's 60th Anniversary! View more information about this flyer at:

This Spring Splash Event is in Celebration of the Port of Friday Harbor's 60th anniversary!!!
If you are in Friday Harbor, hop on down to the Spring Street Landing and have a great time!
Feel free to stop by the San Juan Safaris office as well, we will be open Tuesday April 27th and Wednesday April 28th...

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