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Whale Report Blogging is Back!

pc: Olivia Esqueda, San Juan Safaris

Olivia | San Juan Safaris | August 19th, 2024 

After a long hiatus while getting our NEW website up and running, our daily blogs are back! 

We will be documenting whale and wildlife sightings daily from all three of our vessels to provide a sneak peak of where we’ve been traveling and what wildlife has been visiting the Salish Sea- while hopefully teaching you something along the way. We will also be providing bonus material for extra education and conservation topics, and photos of course! 

Every single day, and every single tour, is completely unique out here. No whales are tagged in these waters, in fact, everything is found using visual sight. This is a very respectful and responsible way to share this ecosystem with everything that calls it home. That being said,  San Juan Safaris is a part of the Pacific Whale Watch Association, communicating with all the other captains and naturalists out on the water, as well as some researchers too! If you’re curious about what we do and our part in conservation, please check out the PWWA website at

For now, keep an eye out for our upcoming reports from our Classic and Adventure Tours departing daily out of Friday Harbor, WA.


Interested in seeing pictures from our tours? Check out our SmugMug to see photos from our trips aboard M/V Osprey at

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