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Superpod At Last

The endangered population of Southern Resident Killer Whales that frequent the salmon-rich waters of the Salish Sea form “superpod” only a handful of times during the summer season. Three extended families (known as J, K, and L pod) join together and travel as one unit, making up only 82 remaining members. Superpod is characterized by a great deal of social behavior, including breaching, mating, and vocalizing. At this point in the season, we would expect to have seen all three...


Two Transient Bulls

Today we observed another pair of Transient Orcas in the Straight of Juan de Fuca, off Victoria. Spotting two giant, black triangles from quite a distance, we confirmed that we were dealing with two mature bulls. When male orcas come into puberty in their early teens, they are known as “sprouters,” as their dorsal fin begins growing dramatically from about 3 feet to 5, even 6 feet! At first they exhibited the typical erratic diving behavior of hunting Transients, and then settled in...


T20 and T21 Tour the Victorian Waterfront

We last spotted T20 and T21 on Friday near Active Pass, north of Mayne Island, British Columbia. Today we found the Transient pair enjoying the Victorian Waterfront.  Initially the Orcas appeared to be in resting mode, making slow northerly progress. Then they turned the opposite direction, heading toward the majestic, snow-capped Olympic mountains and the wide-open Strait of Juan de Fuca. The sea state was calm today, with sweeping views in all directions, signaling the beginning of...


All Present and Accounted For!

The Transient Killer Whales were all business today. A group of approximately 6 individuals were taking their sweet time below the surface, typical foraging behavior. They kept us guessing as to where they were going to pop up for a few breaths before their next long dive. Meanwhile we drifted in the calm, sunlit waters in sight of downtown Victoria (48°21.21N, 123°18.01W). On our way back in, we came across porpoises, murres, cormorants, loons, seals, sea lions, and a Minke...


Don't give up hope & be open to change ... The art of watching wildlife

Each day we leave the harbor with hopes of seeing the amazing black and white creatures we call orcas. Of course, ideally we also want harbor seals, sea lions, eagles, porpoises, and other whales sprinkled in the mix. But alas, wildlife is wild. Hopes and wishes aside, the wildlife of the San Juans will do what it pleases, which is one of the reasons we love to experience it in this setting. Now ... based on this introduction, you probably are guessing we didn't see orcas today...


Long Distance Sightings

Victoria, B.C. with orca and ship. Photo courtesy of Jeanne Hyde

What is the measure of a whale watching adventure?  Well, today it was distance.  Capt. Mike decided that our options were to go big or stay home and staying home was not actually an option.  So, venturing further than prudence dictates, we sought out the orcas beyond the visible limits of San Juan Island.  Beyond even the limits of Victoria, B.C.

The water was calm and the sun was shining and lucky us we were...

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