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2 Pods Mingling Near Victoria!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 08/19/2021 2:00pm

So nice to get out on the boat!

Captain Pete and I grabbed our guests and headed out to sea. We heard whispers of something exciting happening over in Canada so we headed out to find out what the commotion was about.

We headed south and passed cattle point lighthouse as we rounded the southern point of San juan and headed west. Looking at a map, the Canadian border zig zags across the islands so the city of Victoria is actually south west of...


Don't give up hope & be open to change ... The art of watching wildlife

Each day we leave the harbor with hopes of seeing the amazing black and white creatures we call orcas. Of course, ideally we also want harbor seals, sea lions, eagles, porpoises, and other whales sprinkled in the mix. But alas, wildlife is wild. Hopes and wishes aside, the wildlife of the San Juans will do what it pleases, which is one of the reasons we love to experience it in this setting. Now ... based on this introduction, you probably are guessing we didn't see orcas today...

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