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SRKW Swim West Side of San Juan Island

L Pod Southern Resident Killer Whales Forage off San Juan Island

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | July 25th, 2020 | 13:30

Starting off the trip, Captain Pete said to me, “Olivia, today is starting off a little weird, but sometimes those turn out to be the best days.” If he ever decides to retire as a Captain, he has a great future in fortune telling since he nailed our day on the head! A Bald Eagle soared through the sky as we left Friday Harbor and started our travels southwest. We had Mount Baker perfectly standing on the horizon, Mount Rainier glancing...


Bigg's Killer Whales Swim the Narrow Channel

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | July 19th, 2020 | 14:00 

This Adventure Trip on M/V Kestrel was so fun with Captain Brian and our guests! At the dock we had a few guests that were extra excited to be going out with us today which always makes it more exciting right away. We set out on our sunny venture by heading inner island towards Lummi Island. Upon arrival we spotted the same family group of Transient Orca that we saw yesterday, the T37A’s. At first sight, we saw TWO full body breaches...

Humpback Whales in Canadian Waters

Humpback Whale Duo Swim Across the Salish Sea

Olivia | August 14th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30pm

For our evening sunset, we received reports of Humpback Whales heading north through Swanson Channel in Canadian waters. Because of the far distance pushing our 3 to 4 hour time frame, Captain Pete and I agreed to head straight for that area in hopes to see whales before the sun set. We traveled north through San Juan Channel, dipped into Spieden Channel watching the exotic sheep and deer peak out into the southern side of Spieden...

Orcas in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Killer Whales in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Olivia | August 4th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30pm

Captain Erick, Co-Naturalist Jordan and I, along with our full boat of passengers, decided to head south for an opportunity to see some Bigg’s Killer Whales in the Strait of Juan de Fuca south of Hein Bank. Along the route, our captain was thrilled about seeing heaps of Phalaropes! These small birds are not often seen this close to shore, and typically feed on plankton. One female breeds with multiple males and leaves them to raise...

Humpback Whales in Canadian Waters

Gleaming Humpback Whale Shimmering in the Salish Sea

Olivia | July 25th, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 3:00pm

Captain Pete and I headed out this afternoon on a search for whales in our area. We decided to head north through the San Juan Channel and stop at White Rocks to catch a view of our Harbor Porpoises and their pups as they napped and swam near the water’s edge. After chatting about these small Pinnipeds, we continued on through Boundary Pass heading around East Point towards the northern side of Saturna Island.

Along our route, Mount...


A Wild Invasion of Bigg's Killer Whales!

Olivia | July 22nd, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00am

Despite the beautiful sunshine, Olympic mountain range silhouetting the southern horizon, and Mount Baker proudly standing above the San Juan Islands, we ended up having fairly rough seas as we headed out on our adventure. We left Friday Harbor aware of two potential whale sightings, one very far north and moving further away, or another south near Whidbey Island where the swells were about 3-4 feet in some areas of our travel. Captain...

Bigg's Killer Whales near San Juan Island

An Exceptional Whale of a Day in the San Juan Islands!

Olivia | July 21st, 2019 | M/V kestrel | 11:00am

Every day is completely different and unique, especially with whales that can travel over 100 miles in a day. Today, however, they decided to make our job very easy! Just as we left Friday Harbor, and I mean barely out of the harbor, we came across the T46B’s of Bigg’s Killer Whales. They continued to hug the shoreline and travel north. Captain Gabe and I adore seeing this family because their young calf has Leucism, a condition where...

Humpback whale shows its fluke

Humpback Whale Forages In View Of Olympic Mountains

(April 16, 2017)  Today Captain Mike piloted our international crew out to the expansive waters southeast of San Juan Island where the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Haro and Rosario Straits, and the Puget Sound converge.  Often the area is characterized by violent seas and stiff wind, but today the waters were placid with barely a breath of wind.  The snow-capped Olympic Mountains towered above us; Mt. Baker and the twin sisters loomed large to the northeast, and the unreasonable mass of...


Orcas playing in front of Patos and Mount Baker

Guests of M/V Kittiwake departed the docks with Captain Jim and myself, and we headed north. We had our resident orcas move into the Salish Sea late last night/early this morning. We saw members of L pod today in front of Patos Lighthouse with Mount Baker in the background. It was the perfect setting for these whales to "show off" for our guests, and they did just that! With tail slaps, pectoral fin slaps, breaching, and spy hopping our guests were thrilled with what they were...


A Minke for this Sunny Summer Day

With not a cloud in the sky today, Captain Mike, Naturalist Heather and myself departed Friday Harbor with our guests and headed south, to where Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan De Fuca meet, to check out a Minke whale. This Minke whale was very interesting to watch. I say interesting because usually Minke whales are very scattered and don't surface in the same area. This Minke looked as though it was traveling in the same direction and kept going that one way. Most guests got...

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