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Orcas playing in front of Patos and Mount Baker

Guests of M/V Kittiwake departed the docks with Captain Jim and myself, and we headed north. We had our resident orcas move into the Salish Sea late last night/early this morning. We saw members of L pod today in front of Patos Lighthouse with Mount Baker in the background. It was the perfect setting for these whales to "show off" for our guests, and they did just that! With tail slaps, pectoral fin slaps, breaching, and spy hopping our guests were thrilled with what they were witnessing. Our guests asked, "Why do the orcas breach or spy hop?" I always tell my guests it is because they are playing together. Some days we see the orcas traveling and then there are days like today were we have them playing and waving hi with their pectoral fins!
Our guests were delighted on what they were able to see today and the weather! We had clear skies, calm water, and Mount Baker visible.

Aimee-Naturalist, M/V Kittiwake
San Juan Safaris

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