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Transient and Exotic Orcas Near Henry!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/30/2021 | 2:00pm

Captain Pete and I enjoyed a beautiful day today! 

We grabbed our guests and headed north out of Friday Harbor towards northern waters to explore. We shot up in between Waldron and Orcas Island and spotted a whole group of harbor porpoises bobbing up and down all around us! They were so cute. 

As we reached Patos Island near the boarder of Canada, we enjoyed a gorgeous view of the lighthouse and Mount Baker glowing in the sun amongst the...


Humpback near Patos Island!

Jordan | Kestrel | 05/29/2021

What a beautiful day out on the water!

Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and and headed north through the San Juan Channel. We heard whispers of whales up north so we boated towards the Canadian boarder. Weaving between islands, we emerged near Waldron Island. He continued further as we boated into open waters near Patos Island!

Here we saw blows! It was a humpback whale!! The beautiful black back arched out of the water as she...


Mother and Calf Humpback up North!

What a great day today! The sun was shining, the ocean was sparkling and spirits were high. Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and towards norhtern waters.

We stopped by Speiden Island where we spotted two bald ealges! These birds always make me smile. They seemed really focused as they searched the water for fish. 

Then we continued through John's Pass where we found a huge group of harbor seals! They were all precariously perched on the rocks. Half in, half...


Humpback Whales Throughout Southern Waters!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 05/16/2021 2:00pm

The sun shined high in the sky today as Captain Brian and I took out our speed vessel, the Kestrel, and zoomed out of Friday Harbor.

Turning right, we headed south down the San Juan Channel. We passed Lopez Island and the southern point of San Juan Island called Cattle Point Lighthouse. We speeded into open waters and took in the impressive view of the Olympic Peninsula.

Then, we started to see a couple whale watching boats on the horizon. As...


Gray Whale Down South!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 05/15/2021 1:30pm

We were all really excited to get out on the water as Captain Brian and I gathered our new friends and boated out of Friday Harbor.

We heard whispers of something exciting down south, so we boated down the Channel and out into open waters. Boating out towards the Olympic Peninsula, we reached an area called Middle Bank where we started to see boats! As we approached, we began to see blows and wow it was beautiful!

The mottled gray and white...


3 Pods of Transient Orcas Plus Mother & Calf Humpbacks for Mother's Day!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/09/2021 |1:00pm

What a beautiful day!

Captain Pete and I headed out of Friday Harbor with all our new friends and headed north through the San Juan Channel. The sun was shining high in the sky, so it made everything look extra blue and gorgeous today. The water stood completely still and flat.

As we arrived at Waldron Island, we saw our first blow! The crystal-clear surface water broke as the first hump emerged. We found two humpback whales! In fact, it was...


Transient Orca Whales, A Gray Whale and More Near Cattle Point!


Jordan Higgins Blogs

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/02/2021 |1:00pm

For any given trip, we never know what is going to happen or what we are going to see that day. But, wow, today we were incredibly lucky! We saw so much extraordinary wildlife!

The day began as Captain Pete and I greeted our guests and set off out of Friday Harbor towards the great unknown. We headed down south towards whispers of potential sightings. As we saw Cattle Point Lighthouse appear on the horizon, we knew we...


Quadruple Sightings with Transient Orcas and Gray Whales Near Cattle Point!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 04/18/2021 |1:00pm

Today was one of the most incredible trips of the season! I felt so grateful that all my guests got to experience such a lucky tour.

It began as a normal day as we enjoyed the Sunday sunshine in Friday Harbor. Everyone felt excited but a little nervous about what we may see during the trip. Captain Pete and I hopped on our boat, the Sea Lion, and headed down south towards the southern tip of San Juan.

As we approached Cattle Point lighthouse...


Transient Orcas Hunting on the Canadian Boarder!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 04/17/2021 |1:00pm

What a fantastic day! It started off incredibly warm and sunny as the bright blue sky promised a great trip no matter what we ended up seeing.

Captain Pete and I jumped on the Sea Lion with our excited guests and boated out towards sea. Heading up the San Juan Channel, we passed Shaw and Orcas Islands and rounded the northern coastline of San Juan. Continuing back around, we headed south down the Haro Strait.

We started to see boats in the...


Gray Whale Wonder in Cattle Pass!

Jordan Higgins Blogs

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 04/11/2021 |1:00pm

What a gorgeous day today! It was the first day of the year where I genuinely felt warm and wore my T-shirt around the harbor! I knew right away that it was going to be a good day.

Captain Pete and I hopped on the boat with our 35 new friends and took off up the San Juan Channel and headed towards Flattop Island. Here we found 3 beautiful bald eagles! Two adults which we presumed were a mated pair and a juvenile bald...

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