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Full Salish Sea Wildlife Tour Featuring a Humpback Whale and Feasting Steller’s Sea Lions

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | May 24, 2022 | 2:00 pm


Today was a classically gray Pacific NorthWest day for our Classic Whale Watch and Wildlife tour. We left the harbor excited, knowing a Humpback Whale was spotted just North of Friday Harbor. As we approached the scene, guests on our vessel had their heads on a swivel in search of the cetacean on a long dive. Eventually we heard blows off the starboard side of the vessel and had our first looks at the massive hump making its way...


A True Wildlife Bonanza

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 04/24/2022 | 1:30pm

    Today was crazy. Now, every day is of course, special out here- you never really know what you’re gonna get, much like a box of chocolates. But something truly wild happened on our journey today. 

    Kestrel rounded itself up and over the north side of San Juan Island and into the Haro Strait. We continued across the strait and over the US/Canadian border towards a Gray Whale that foraged off Sydney Island. This massive 45 foot whale...


A Bigg’s Killer Whale Earth Day Extravaganza

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 4.24.2022 | 12:30 PM 

M/V Sea Lion had the most beautiful day out on the water. Theres nothing quite like a boat ride on a 55-degree day in April. We boarded with clear skies and sunshine and knowledge of a group of Bigg’s killer whales near Tumbo Island. As we made our way up San Juan Channel, we passed some harbor porpoise and decided to make a quick stop at Flattop Island. Our quick stop” swiftly turned into much more after spotting some river otters run...


San Juan Island Circumnavigation for a Hungry Gray Whale

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | 3/22/22 | 12:30PM 

It was a quintessential pacific northwest day as we left Friday Harbor this morning, overcast and foggy. As we puttered through Friday Harbor on our way to San Juan Channel, a guest noticed something moving in the water. A lone Steller Sea Lion was swimming right at the mouth of the Harbor! Quickly we realized that this large Pinniped was not alone, 3 other Steller’s and a stoic bald eagle sitting in the evergreens were spotted nearby.



Bigg's Killer Whale Seen Surrounded by Harbor Seals!

Laura C. | 6-22-2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

Greetings from the sea!  The M/V Sea Lion had an awesome day out on the water cruising along some fun waves and a windy breeze!  We headed north and first stopped along Flattop Island for some exciting commotion with several bald eagles circling overhead.  There was definitely some social gathering occurring or perhaps a nice meal under the trees because the eagles were so active!  We also saw some furry creatures scurrying up the rocks...


Whoa, Orcas AND River Otters??

[08/19/17- M/V Sea Lion- Kelsey, Naturalist- 1:30PM]

We had quite some luck today! We had some transient, or mammal-eating, orcas juuust off the north end of San Juan Island near Henry Island just as we were departing Friday Harbor. We had them easily within reach, and we decided to take our time to see them by detouring around some of the special islands here in the San Juans.

We first visited Flattop Island, where we spotted bunches of harbor seals hauled out on the shorelines and...


Traveling Transient Orcas (T18/T19's) and Salty River Otters

[Naturalist Erick D., M/V Kestrel, 8/9/17, 2:00PM]


On our afternoon trip for the day, Gabe and I and all the lovely folks aboard started another exciting search for some cool marine wildlife. Our first stop was one of our favorites. We motored down to Whale Rocks. These two Islets emerge from the waves of Cattle Pass just southwest of Lopez Island. You can see them from the shores of both Lopez and San Juan, and when they are covered by our favorite pinnipeds you can definitely...


Afternoons with Orcas and Minkes

What a day! We spent the afternoon hanging out with some transient killer whales (some of the T46 family) off of the Salmon Bank at the southern end of San Juan Island. These whales appeared to be on the prowl, and it looked like the young 4-year-old orca, T46F, might have been getting some hunting lessons from his family. We saw members of this family the day before as well on the other side of the Straight of Juan de Fuca, where they were hunting a harbor porpoise. Adult males do...


Minkes and River Otters!

Today we were lucky enough to see Minke whales on all three of our trips! We encountered them in Griffin Bay, Cattle Pass, and Haro Strait. September weather has also been treating us nicely with beautiful sunny days, and glassy seas.

The real treat however was near the end of the day when we saw an entire family of River Otters at Long Island. It started out as a single sighting, but as we watched, one River Otter turned into a whole family. Every time the otters would go back into...

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