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Minkes and River Otters!

Today we were lucky enough to see Minke whales on all three of our trips! We encountered them in Griffin Bay, Cattle Pass, and Haro Strait. September weather has also been treating us nicely with beautiful sunny days, and glassy seas.

The real treat however was near the end of the day when we saw an entire family of River Otters at Long Island. It started out as a single sighting, but as we watched, one River Otter turned into a whole family. Every time the otters would go back into the water they would come out with more. It was quite hysterical actually, trying to guess how many there were, and then seeing them multiply. I suppose they are somewhat similar to the Southern Residents in that matter, leaving no one behind!

Ha Ha Just Awesome!

Naturalist Tara, San Juan Safaris

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