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J Pod Jumping

J Pod Jubilation

Jordan | June 20, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 sunset

Captain Pete, Alexandria and I journeyed out of Friday Harbor for the 5:30 sunset tour on our quest to find the whales! The M/V Sea Lion headed north up the San Juan Channel, through the Spieden Channel to the West coast of Henry Island.

Here we found a group of Southern Resident orca whales! In fact, J pod was having a wonderful time scanning the shoreline for their salmon. We watched the whales jump and spy hop and slap the water...

whale tail

Salmon Bank Beauty

Jordan | June 18, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 sunset

We had such a great group of people today! Everyone was full of enthusiasm and eagerness to see wildlife. It felt like the first real day of summer; sitting on the boat by the dock, it was actually hot! The sun shone brightly as we headed out of Friday Harbor for our 5:30 sunset tour. Captain Gabe led us south through the San Juan channel, past Cattle Point and into the shallow waters of the Salmon Bank.

Along the way, we found a...


J Pod Joy!

Jordan | June 15, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 noon

Today the Sealion journeyed out of Friday Harbor for the 12:00 noon tour with Captain Pete, Naturalist Rachel and myself. Reports of the J pod were coming in from the southwest side of San Juan Island, the same region this group was found yesterday! Perhaps there is a great group of salmon in that area.

Our boat headed south towards Cattle Pass and we stopped at Whale Island, a tiny island off the tip of Cattle Point. Here we saw...


Southern Residents at Sunset!

Jordan | June 14, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 sunset

The Sealion, along with Captain Pete and myself, voyaged out of Friday Harbor for the 5:30 sunset tour. Luckily, J Pod just recently returned to the San Juan islands causing excitement amongst the entire region! Today, this large group of Southern Resident whales decided that the southwest waters of San Juan Island was the best place to be. So, Captain Pete led us south past Cattle Point and up to Eagle Point where we saw our first...


Sunshine, San Juans, and a Humpback

Today guests aboard M/V Sea Lion were treated to an awesome day out on the water with a humpback whale!

The trip started out gorgeous, it was a sunny day and the islands were looking photogenic as ever!  Guests boarded M/V Sea Lion and headed north beginning our search for whales.  Captain Mike received reports of humpbacks on the east side of Orcas Island, so we headed over to Rosario Straight to see what we could find!  Sure enough once we got on scene our first views were of a...


Killer Whales, Yes; Sasquatch, Unconfirmed

I drained a few tablespoons of sea water from the pocket of my rain jacket while recounting the details of yesterday’s wild adventure to our Sunday guests.  Today had to be a smoother ride, I promised, and indeed it was.  The skies were just as ominous, however, and the wise whale watchers left nothing to chance, immediately taking refuge in the protected cabin. 

Our first stop was the San Juan version of Jurassic Park:  Spieden Island.  In the late 1960s, two taxidermists from...

Humpback Whale

Steller's Sea Lions, Dall's Porpoise and Big Mama the Humpback in Haro Strait

Today Captain Pete, Kayak Guide Jordan and I headed out on another tour on the M/V Sea Lion. We have been having some excellent weather lately, and it has been a true pleasure to be out on the water. Leaving Friday Harbor we headed North through San Juan Channel towards Spieden Island.

In Spieden channel we had an awesome encounter with some foraging Steller’s sea lions. There were at least twenty of the huge pinnipeds in the water! The animals were surfacing around the very active...

BCY0160 Heather

Fall at it's finest in the Salish Sea: Humpback Whales, Harlequin Ducks, and Dall's Porpoises

Today is one of those fall days that you dream about here in the Salish Sea. After the last couple of stormy days, today’s sun was a welcome break.

We left Friday Harbor turned left, and headed north. We were lucky enough to find a humpback whale within 10 minutes of leaving the harbor as it traveled south through San Juan Channel. Humpbacks are usually 45 feet long on average. This individual appeared to be a bit smaller, indicating that it was a juvenile. We spent about 15 minutes...


When the Transients Come to Play

You know those moments in life that absolutely take your breath away? We certainly experienced some of those today on our two whale watch tours on the M/V Sea Lion. Transient killer whales, the mammal-eaters who we encounter frequently in the Salish Sea, were spotted near East Point in the Strait of Georgia, and we were lucky enought to witness three families meeting up and socializing. It was breathtaking, as they seemed to be moving in tight formations, greeting each other while...


Saturna or Bust

What an adventure of a day out on Seahawk! We traversed waters that we don't typically get to venture out in, all due to beautiful weather conditions and exciting whale reports! On our morning trip, we ventured north and had the chance to view some harbor seals (our adorable little rock sausages as we call them here), the majestic bald eagle, and several little harbor porpoises playing all around our boat. So cute! The water was sparkling, the sun beaming, and the Salish Sea...

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