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Rare Gray Orca Whale Sighting in Canada! 06/01/19

Jordan | M/V Kestresl | 06/01/19 | 11:00am

Today was basically the most magical day. And no, I’m not being dramatic. It’s true. It started with our first trip leaving Friday Harbor at around 11:30am. And although it was a tad later than usual, it was definitely worth the wait!

Captain Gabe and I sped out of the harbor and headed north through the San Juan Channel up towards Speiden Island. Here we stopped to check out some floppy seals! There were a bunch of harbor seals close to the...

Bigg's male orca

Kestrel Went Far and Saw Loads of Orcas! : T124C was in the Narrows and the T41's and the T100B's Were by Mandarte Is.

Erick | Friday, May 17, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00AM


Captain Gabe and I had an early trip on this day. It started out as cloudy, but you could see some blue skies poking out up there as well. We left with a full boat and headed north to see what we could find. We made our first stop at Flattop Island to look at a bunch of Harbor Seals sunning themselves on the rocky shoreline. They were all huddled on the eastern side since it seems seals hate to be in the wind, so they avoid it at...

killer whales

Bigg's Killer Whales in Boundary Pass | 10/28/2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

Sarah | 10/28/2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

We had an amazing fall day on the water on Sunday’s trip. With a varied weather forecast we weren’t sure what we’d get out on the water, but for the most part we were treated to sun and beautiful cloudscapes. Captain Mike and I decided to head north out of Friday Harbor on the search for wildlife, as other boats in the whale watching fleet left their docks as well. This is an incredibly valuable network of communication that allows us to...

Dalls Porpoise near San Juan Island

Transient Orcas Off Discovery Island and a Minke Whale off Middle Bank with Special Guest Star: Harbor Porpoises

What a great day we had today!  Captain Mike and I started out the afternoon with reports of orcas off Discovery Island over by Victoria, B.C.  After boarding we headed south down San Juan Channel and passed by Cattle Point Lighthouse.  As we headed northwest up Haro Strait we approached Discovery Island.  We could see dorsal fins in the distance and were very excited as we approached. 

WIthin a few moments it was clear that we were with Biggs Killer Whales- more specifically the...

Orca swimming

Morning Trip with Transient Whales near the Olympic Peninsula! | 08/22/2018 | 10:00

Jordan | August 22, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00 trip

This morning started off really crazily amazing! Captain Gabe and I headed out of Friday Harbor and headed south down through the San Juan Channel and almost immediately found a Steller sea lion eating a skate! Skates are a species of fish that are related to rays. So, the sea lion was splashing around at the surface, throwing around this flat floppy fish and ripping it apart! It was so exciting to witness the circle of life at work...


Resident and Bigg's Orcas Sighted on the Adventure Whale Watch & Wildlife Tour

Our 2pm trip today aboard M/V Kestrel was truly one for the books!  From the beginning I suspected that this was going to be a great day!  We had beautiful weather and a fantastic group- everyone was smiling, excited to get going, and of course even participated in the obligatory laughing at my jokes- like I said it was the Dream Team and Dream Trip from the get go….

But no one have fully prepared for what a fantastic trip it would prove to be!  As we headed out we knew that we were...


Kestrel Travels North for Transient Orcas

Today was a gorgeous morning on M/V Kestrel!

We took to the waters this morning at 10am in search of whales!  Captain Mike had gotten a report of Transient Orcas up North near Tumbo Island!  Luckily Kestrel is a incredible vessel- the boat equivalent of a well bread race horse shall we say? Captain Mike and myself, along with our incredible guests were up for the adventure and we headed north! 

On our way we were treated to some adorable harbor porpoise views as they frolicked in San...


Spieden Island Transient Orcas!

Guests aboard M/V Kestrel were treated to a fantastic day on the water yesterday, as Transient Orca pods T49A’s and T65A’s all hung out swimming around the south park of Spieden Island.  We saw lot’s of tail lobs from these oras, and even some breaches by some of the smaller kiddo orcas! 

We started out the trip suiting up in our very fashionable exposure suits, and heading down to board M/V Kestrel.  After Captain Gabe talked to us about safety and Kestrel we boarded and began out...

whale tail

Predation Presentation - Hunting Bigg's Killer Whales

Jordan | June 21, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00

The day boasted a brilliant sunshine but also a bombardment of wind. And with wind comes waves which made today quite the adventure! Captain Mike took our boat up north through the San Juan Channel to Boundary Pass in between Waldron and Stuart islands.  

Off of Turn Point on Stuart we found a group of Bigg’s orca whales! In fact, we caught these T65As amidst a hunting session! Diving erratically and swimming all around through the huge...

Transient Killer Whales in the Strait of Georgia

Four Species of Cetaceans Encountered! Whale Watching from Friday Harbor (04/18)

Sarah – 04/18/2018 – M/V Sea Lion – 12:00pm]


Wowza, what a day of whale watching! Pre-season is one of my favorite times to be on the water because we never know what we will find out on the water. Yesterday started out pretty normally for an April day with no reports of whales as we left the dock. Captain Brian and I decided to head north towards the Canadian Gulf Islands to try our luck finding whales and other wildlife. Here in the San Juans there is no “normal” spot to begin...

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