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whales in canada

Whales in Canada!

Jordan | July 1, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00 trip

 The morning was a not-so-sunny morning as the drizzling rain sprinkled across the calm waters of Friday Harbor. Captain Mike and I were excited for the day, nevertheless, and embraced the wetness with open spirits of adventure!

As we headed out, we spotted bald eagles right away! Perched high in a tree, they didn’t seem to mind the rain as they overlooked the harbor. Then Mike caught wind of some whales up in Canada! So, we decided to...


Resident and Bigg's Orcas Sighted on the Adventure Whale Watch & Wildlife Tour

Our 2pm trip today aboard M/V Kestrel was truly one for the books!  From the beginning I suspected that this was going to be a great day!  We had beautiful weather and a fantastic group- everyone was smiling, excited to get going, and of course even participated in the obligatory laughing at my jokes- like I said it was the Dream Team and Dream Trip from the get go….

But no one have fully prepared for what a fantastic trip it would prove to be!  As we headed out we knew that we were...


Kestrel Travels North for Transient Orcas

Today was a gorgeous morning on M/V Kestrel!

We took to the waters this morning at 10am in search of whales!  Captain Mike had gotten a report of Transient Orcas up North near Tumbo Island!  Luckily Kestrel is a incredible vessel- the boat equivalent of a well bread race horse shall we say? Captain Mike and myself, along with our incredible guests were up for the adventure and we headed north! 

On our way we were treated to some adorable harbor porpoise views as they frolicked in San...


Spieden Island Transient Orcas!

Guests aboard M/V Kestrel were treated to a fantastic day on the water yesterday, as Transient Orca pods T49A’s and T65A’s all hung out swimming around the south park of Spieden Island.  We saw lot’s of tail lobs from these oras, and even some breaches by some of the smaller kiddo orcas! 

We started out the trip suiting up in our very fashionable exposure suits, and heading down to board M/V Kestrel.  After Captain Gabe talked to us about safety and Kestrel we boarded and began out...

whale tail

Predation Presentation - Hunting Bigg's Killer Whales

Jordan | June 21, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00

The day boasted a brilliant sunshine but also a bombardment of wind. And with wind comes waves which made today quite the adventure! Captain Mike took our boat up north through the San Juan Channel to Boundary Pass in between Waldron and Stuart islands.  

Off of Turn Point on Stuart we found a group of Bigg’s orca whales! In fact, we caught these T65As amidst a hunting session! Diving erratically and swimming all around through the huge...


Residents, Transients, Humpbacks!

Captain Mike and I were up early today and excited to see what was out there! Southern resident orcas had been hanging around the islands for the past couple of days and we could not wait to get a better look at them! We, along with our 11 smiling guests, headed down San Juan Channel to go look for some orcas. We first took a good look at the South end of Lopez and saw some harbor seals hauled out along with 3 bald eagles perched up in the nearby trees and rocks. We then headed...


Friday Harbor Orcas!

Headed out of Friday Harbor on a summer-like June day after a pretty rainy and moody month, we were finally getting a taste of that hot summer sun! The breeze in the harbor was warm and the water calm and clear. Captain Mike, naturalist Piper and myself headed north for the San Juan Channel to look for some whales. We barely made it out of the harbor when we received a call from a nearby boat that there were whales headed towards the harbor coming from the south end of the island up...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orcas Chase Steller Sea Lions at East Point (T36A's)

[Thursday, 5/3/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


May is here and things are beginning to feel more and more like summer. More staff are arriving back and even Captain Pete has returned from his journeys around the world. Captain Pete tagged along with us on this trip as Captain Mike and I took folks out on another sunny day in the islands. We started by heading north and looking in the places where there is food for the whale species and types that we usually see during...


Sunshine and Whales!

[M/V Sea Lion- 5/5- Naturalist Alexandria]

Aboard M/V Sea Lion guests were treated to a gorgeous sunny Spring day.  Captain Mike, Naturalists Piper and myself, Naturalist Alexandria, all boarded for an exciting trip on the water as the sun shined down on us for one of the first of our perfect spring days of the year. 

We were lucky enough to be treated to some amazing Transient Sightings while on our trip!  We saw a family of three orcas hanging out north off the shore of Waldron...


T65A’s Baby Shower

T65A’s Baby Shower

[M/V Sea Lion 4/15/18- Naturalist Alexandria]


You are cordially invited to T65A’s Baby Shower to celebrate the newest addition into the Matriline: T65A6

Week old T65A6 joined by the rest of their family and friends!

When: Aboard M/V Sea Lion’s Trip on Sunday, April 15th at Noon

Where: Rosario Straight

Why: Celebrate the newest addition to the Transient Family!

Suggested Attire:  Warm, Casual Layers   (Guest of honor T65A6 will be dawning a peachy orange hue, as...

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