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Humpback Plays at Eagle Cove Beach

Elle | M/V Osprey | 9/25/2022 | 12:30PM

Today on our vessel, M/V Osprey, we headed south to search for a humpback whale. As we headed down San Juan Channel, we got some quick looks at five-foot harbor porpoises on both sides of our boat. In Cattle Pass, right next to Cattle Point Lighthouse, Goose Island is home to a colony of double-crested cormorants. These diving birds have built stick-nests where they lay their eggs and hatch their chicks. We headed down past the southern tip of...


Bigg's Killer Whales Near Victoria

Elle | M/V Sea Lion | 8/19/2022 | 2:00PM

Today we traveled from Friday Harbor, WA to Victoria, BC and back again in search of wildlife. First we encountered Steller's sea lions at Whale Rocks, one of their favorite spots to stop and hang out as they migrate to Alaska for the summer. We were lucky this group decided to stay for a few extra months! We continued southwest until we saw blows in the distance. These turned out to be a young family of Bigg's killer whales. The mother of...


"Kittiwake" and the Gang in Plummer Sound

Kelly | M/V Osprey | 8/1/22 | 12:30

It was a picture-perfect summer day as we left Friday harbor and headed north in San Juan Channel. After quickly cruising up the channel, we stopped at Flattop Island. This island was bustling with wildlife! Multiple bald eagles soared over head as harbor seals lounged along the shoreline. A solo bald eagle was perched along the shoreline with its talons dug into a carcass. We watched as the impressive raptor pulled apart the animal’s flesh with...


A Humpback Whale Waves Hello in the Strait of Juan de Fuca!

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | 7/28/2022 | 10:00 AM

I’ve had a lot of epic whale encounters during my time working for San Juan Safaris, and today I was blessed with yet another first! What happened you may ask? Our 10:00 am Adventure Tour took a trip to a pectoral playground!  

M/V Kestrel started the morning by taking a right out of Friday Harbor and heading south down San Juan Channel. Before heading into the strait, we made a quick stop at Goose Island. Goose Island is known for its...


Two Male Bigg's Killer Whales' Interisland Cruise

Elle | M/V Osprey | July 14, 2022 |12:30PM

Today our passengers soaked up the sun as we followed the ferry route throuh the San Juan Islands towards a report of some orca whales. We passed between islands and admired the contstruction work of a pair of bald eagles as we passed by a nest on Lopez Island. We were accompanied by plenty of harbor porpoises as we passed between Shaw Island and Lopez. Eventually, we entered the Rosario Strait where we came accross two fifteen-year-old male...


Family of Bigg's Killer Whales near Saturna Island

Elle | M/V Osprey | July 8, 2022 |12:30PM

Today we made our way up to Canada following reports of a family of Bigg’s killer whales near Saturna Island. On our journey, we got to see a few harbor porpoises pop up in the San Juan Channel. We found a group of seven orca whales towards the eastern end of Saturna Island. They were hugging the shoreline, allowing us to admire the contrast between the pale color of their 10ft tall exhalations and the dark rocks and trees behind them. The...


Bigg’s Killer Whales in Rosario Strait

Haleigh | M/V Sea Lion | June 18, 2022 | 12:30 pm


Around the Salish Sea, we’ve experienced a variety of whales throughout these waters. Humpback Whales have returned for the summer feeding season in huge numbers. The surprising appearance of Southern Resident Killer Whales in May drew all islanders to the west side to catch a glimpse in admiration. Following their departure came a killer whale lull, and now we’re seeing our Bigg’s Killer Whale families all around the islands!




Bigg’s Killer Whale “Ooxjaa” and friends in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Lauren | M/V Kestrel | 6.3.2022 | 2:00 PM

Grey skies and wet exposure suits were in our future today as M/V Kestrel left the dock for our Adventure Whale Watch & Wildlife Tour. Despite the rain, I was in fantastic spirits after captain Eric told me where we were going… One of my favorite Bigg’s killer whale families, the T065A’s were spotted in the Strait of Juan de Fuca! This curious bunch is always a delight to observe. This family of six was reported to be traveling alongside...


A Sunset Search for Bigg’s Killer Whales

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 5.29.2022 | 5:30 PM

It is finally sunset season here at San Juan Safaris and I couldn’t be more excited! Sunset trips are my absolute favorite... Nothing beats watching whales with a setting sky as your backdrop. Memorial Day weekend went out with a bang with a visit from a frequent Bigg’s Killer Whale family, the T075B’s!

As we left Friday Harbor on M/V Sea Lion, we weren’t sure what our 5:30 pm trip was going to bring. The whale reports from earlier in the...


Feeding Bigg's Killer Whales and an Opportunistic Bald Eagle

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | April 28th, 2022 | 12:30pm

Leaving the dock today, we were elated with the weeklong streak of sunny weather. Cool winds and warm skies guided us inner island towards Rosario Strait, passing heaps of bait balls and feeding Rhinoceros Auklets. Kissing the southern end of Lummi Island, we spotted black dorsal fins seemingly hugging the shoreline.

In my opinion, Lummi Island is one of the most breathtaking islands within the San Juan’s. The lush green, cliffy...

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