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A Bigg’s Killer Whale Earth Day Extravaganza

Lauren | M/V Sea Lion | 4.24.2022 | 12:30 PM 

M/V Sea Lion had the most beautiful day out on the water. Theres nothing quite like a boat ride on a 55-degree day in April. We boarded with clear skies and sunshine and knowledge of a group of Bigg’s killer whales near Tumbo Island. As we made our way up San Juan Channel, we passed some harbor porpoise and decided to make a quick stop at Flattop Island. Our quick stop” swiftly turned into much more after spotting some river otters run...


San Juan Island Circumnavigation for a Hungry Gray Whale

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | 3/22/22 | 12:30PM 

It was a quintessential pacific northwest day as we left Friday Harbor this morning, overcast and foggy. As we puttered through Friday Harbor on our way to San Juan Channel, a guest noticed something moving in the water. A lone Steller Sea Lion was swimming right at the mouth of the Harbor! Quickly we realized that this large Pinniped was not alone, 3 other Steller’s and a stoic bald eagle sitting in the evergreens were spotted nearby.


Biggs Orcas Visit Friday Harbor

A Biggs Killer Whale Surprise Outside Friday Harbor

Kelly | M/V Sea Lion | March 19th, 2022 | 12:30pm

Just as we were puttering out of Friday Harbor, we received one vague whale report. The land-based report stated four killer whales heading south in upright channel, just outside Friday Harbor! It seemed suspiciously convenient…almost too good to be true. Excited, we zoomed over to the mouth of upright channel and scanned the water in the hopes of spotting some black and white dolphins. We scanned and scanned, but no sign of Killer...


Two Families of Bigg's Killer Whales Play in Rosario Strait

Olivia | March 18th, 2022 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:30pm

Today’s trip was so unexpected for March here in the Salish Sea. We were lucky enough to leave the dock with some reports of Bigg’s Killer Whales in Rosario Strait! With these whales moving south and being a bit further away, we headed inner island and down through Lopez Sound in hopes of seeing something black and white.

Slowly coming on scene, we spotted their black dorsal fins and misty spouts moving northwest of us about a half...


A Whale Trifecta in March!

Olivia | M/V Sea Lion | March 16th, 2022 | 12:30pm

If I would have known leaving the dock today what I know now, there is no way I would believe it. We headed out just like any other spring day; a cold breeze guiding us towards the flirting sun in search of any Salish Sea wildlife. On M/V Sea Lion, we often start our trips with a tutorial on how to spot wildlife with each season and tips on what to look for. I prefaced with the fact that these shoulder seasons are often the most...


3 Orcas in Canada!!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 08/11/2021 12:30pm

Today, my adventurous spirit came out as we motored out to sea and into Canadian waters for one of the first times in two years!! We all felt so excited.

It all started when the Abby, Maxx, Captain Gabe and I jumped on Osprey with our guests and headed north through the San Juan Channel. With whispers of whales in the north, we booked it towards the border. But before we even left the harbor, we spotted a gorgeous bald eagle starring at us...


Sunset with Humpback Whales!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 08/03/2021 5:30pm

What a beautiful day out on the water!

Naturalist Laura, Haleigh and I headed out of the harbor and headed north through San Juan Channel. We looked and looked for any signs of blows or fins when all of a sudden we hear guests shouting "blow!!" We look towards shore and sure enough there was a whale!

We slowly approached and watched as the massive whale surfaced. It was a Humpback Whale! Then, suddenly a second blow surfaced right next to the...

Bigg’s Killer Whales

Bigg’s Killer Whale Celebration off Lummi Island

Maxx K. | M/V Sea Lion | 07/29/2021 | 2:00pm

    Today was wild, y’all. Captain Pete and I had no idea what to expect when Sea Lion left Friday Harbor. There were rumors of Bigg’s Killer Whales north of us off the south side of Lummi Island but as we know, whales stay rumors until you see them yourself! We carried on taking the inter-island route, up and over Lopez and through Obstruction Pass. We passed by numerous harbor porpoises during the journey as they surfaced for air in our...


Orca Whales AND a Humpback Whale! Double Delight!

Jordan | M/V Osprey | 07/28/2021 12:30pm

What a fantastic day out on the water! Somewhere wore their lucky whale socks because we saw not only one but two different species of whales!!

As the crew and I headed down south, we passed through the San Juan Channel. As we scanned the Lopez Island shoreline, we quickly found a humpback whale!!

The behemoth cruised through the water effortlessly as he headed out through turbulent waters to open sea. His breathe shot out high above the...


Spectacular Orca Hunting Encounter Near Anacortes!

Jordan |m/v Kestrel |07/08/2021| 2:00pm

Today was definitely one of my favorite trips of the season. Just want to start by saying thank you to all my wonderful guests! Your passion and intrigue made the trip even better!

The day began as Captain Eric and I headed East out of Friday Harbor, in between Blakely Island and Decatur and then out towards Anacortes. We sped past Anacortes and around Guemes Island. Here, we found Orcas!

We shortly identified them as the T34s and T37s! These...

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