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Bigg's Killer Whales

T-Party of Bigg’s Killer Whales in Boundary Pass

Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 07/05/2021 | 5:30pm

    There were only a few people booked for our sunset trip tonight but ohh boy were they in for a treat! When we left Friday harbor we turned north towards a family of Bigg’s Killer Whales we had seen earlier that morning, the T046B’s. 

    We followed alongside them for several minutes as they moved into Boundary Pass just north of the San Juan Channel. When we arrived on scene they had just successfully hunted a harbor porpoise, the...


Humpback Day in the Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 07/03/2021 2:00pm

Captain Erick and I had a beautiful day travelling around the Salish Sea. The sunny day brought high energy to all the guests and I as we hopped on the Kestrel and headed north through the San Juan Channel.

We passed along the west coast of Orcas Island enjoying the cliffsides when all of a sudden, we spot a bald eagle sitting high in the tree tops. As we inched closer, we saw it was a juvenile bald eagle covered in brown with white speckles...


Brother Transient Orcas Circling Patos Island

What a beautiful day out on the water today! With the sun out shining and the warmth igniting our excitement, we set out for adventure.

Captain Brian and I and our guests headed out of Friday Harbor on our speediest vessel and booked it up north towards the promise of potential whales. We sped past Orcas Island and towards the Canadian border. Hoping the wildlife would stay over within American territory, we approached the scene.

As we slowed, we saw some blows! It was two orca...

Bigg’s Killer Whale

Surprise Bigg’s Killer Whales off Orcas

Maxx K. | M/V Kestrel | 06/16/2021 | 2:00pm

Today was yet again, another prime example of how unpredictable and serendipitous a whale watch can be out here on the Salish sea. Kestrel left Friday harbor heading north. We weaved between Jones Island and veering right to pass between Orcas and Waldron following reports of a humpback just north of Sucia island. 

We stopped only once to observe a shoal of harbor porpoises as they slowly circumnavigated us. After a few moments we continued...


Adventurous Rainy Day with a Transient Orca and Humpbacks!

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/13/2021 2:00pm

What an adventurous day! Captain Brian, Captain Erick and suited everyone up and headed out in the rain! I was very impressed with everyone as we faced the rain and headed up full speed to Canada.

As we approached the border, we saw a lone transient orca whale! He was in Canada so we were not allowed to approach closer but eventually he turned and headed closer towards our direction! It was amazing to watch him gently swim through these...


Transient and Exotic Orcas Near Henry!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 05/30/2021 | 2:00pm

Captain Pete and I enjoyed a beautiful day today! 

We grabbed our guests and headed north out of Friday Harbor towards northern waters to explore. We shot up in between Waldron and Orcas Island and spotted a whole group of harbor porpoises bobbing up and down all around us! They were so cute. 

As we reached Patos Island near the boarder of Canada, we enjoyed a gorgeous view of the lighthouse and Mount Baker glowing in the sun amongst the...


Humpback near Patos Island!

Jordan | Kestrel | 05/29/2021

What a beautiful day out on the water!

Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and and headed north through the San Juan Channel. We heard whispers of whales up north so we boated towards the Canadian boarder. Weaving between islands, we emerged near Waldron Island. He continued further as we boated into open waters near Patos Island!

Here we saw blows! It was a humpback whale!! The beautiful black back arched out of the water as she...


Mother and Calf Humpback up North!

What a great day today! The sun was shining, the ocean was sparkling and spirits were high. Captain Brian and I took the Kestrel out of Friday Harbor and towards norhtern waters.

We stopped by Speiden Island where we spotted two bald ealges! These birds always make me smile. They seemed really focused as they searched the water for fish. 

Then we continued through John's Pass where we found a huge group of harbor seals! They were all precariously perched on the rocks. Half in, half...


Gray Whale Galore off of Lopez Island

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 04/24/2021 |5:00pm

The clock strikes 5:00 o’clock and Captain Pete, our guests and I jump onto the boat and head out to semi-open sea. We turn right and head towards adventure.

We arrive at these rocks jutting out of the water in the middle of the channel and find that they’re covered with Steller sea lions! These males were massive creatures that threw their body weight around and practiced being as macho as possible. They clearly have been feeding well in...

Southern Resident Killer Whale

Southern Resident Killer Whales Fish off of False Bay!

Erick | M/V Sea Lion | Saturday, September 19, 2020 | 1:00 PM



The skies finally cleared today when Captain Sarah and I ventured out to search for wildlife in the Salish Sea. We headed south after getting reports that the Southern Residents had been spotted near the southern end of San Juan Island! As we headed down, we made a stop at Whale Rocks to look at the Steller Sea Lions and the Harbor Seals. After looking at those growly pinnipeds we continued on our way and headed...

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