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Baby Humpback And Baby Orca 05/25/19

Jordan | May 25, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 3:00 trip What a fantastic trip out in the San Juan Islands! Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel and sped out to adventure with our wonderfully excited guests.   We headed north through the San Juan Channel and spotted something beautiful right away! Bald eagles! Two gorgeous birds were seen soaring then perching on a tree on Spieden Island! You could definitely tell these birds were a mated pair. And Bald eagles mate for life!   Then we saw tons...
Bigg's Orcas

Orcas Ride the Tide by South Pender : T65B's, T75B's, T75C's, T124C Bigg's Orcas all together

Erick | Sunday, May 19, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30PM

On our second trip this Sunday, Captain Gabe and I took our lovely group of folks north through San Juan Channel and towards Boundary Pass. We made our first stop at Green Point on Spieden Island. Here there were a few Steller Sea Lions enjoying the warm rocks of the late afternoon. Up on hillside there was a herd of Mouflon Sheep grazing as well. These are sheep that were brought here to be part of an exotic game hunting ranch...

Bigg's male orca

Breaches and Baby Orcas Playing: The T65B's, T75B's, T75C's, and T124C hunt and Play Near Moresby Island

Erick | Sunday, May 19, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00


What a beautiful sunny day to start the week with! Captain Pete and I headed out with a full group to go find the amazing creatures that are our neighbors in the Salish Sea. We started north through San Juan Channel and made our first stop at Green Point on Spieden Island. Here we saw a few adult male Steller Sea Lions just emerging from the water to take a rest on the rocky shoreline. Soon these furry giants will all go north for...

Adult Mal Southern Resident Orca

J Pod Orca Whales Fish north of San Juan Island!

Erick |Friday, March 22, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 


Today we caught a short sunny period as we left Friday Harbor to search for some amazing wildlife on this beautiful spring day. Captain Mike and I left with a smaller group and headed north up through beautiful San Juan Channel. We cruised through Spieden Channel and went out into the northern part of Haro Strait and soon saw a few scattered groups of blows in the distance. It was a large group of Orcas travelling spread out...


Whale-a-palooza: Three families of Bigg's Orca Whales hunt near Patos Island

Erick | Tuesday, March 19, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 


Today. We took a wonderful group of folks out on a pretty warm sunny very springtime day. Captain Pete, myself, and Alex motored south to look at Griffin Bay and saw some Harbor Seals lounging on the rocks soaking up the sun as much as we were. We did not see any whales so we turned and headed north. Right around Turn Rock we saw a Steller Sea Lion that had grabbed a Giant Pacific Octopus! He was tearing into it and swallowing...


Surprise Killer Whales in San Juan Channel! |8/29/18|1:30PM

Guests aboard M/V Sea Lion along with Cpt. Pete, naturalist Erick and I were excited to get on the water on this beautiful day with a report of orcas almost within our reach. Eager to get everyone on the boat and ready to pick up speed we took off hopeful to get to see these animals.

As of earlier, only one whale sighting from way up north had been reported. With no other reports in our area, we quickly headed up the San Juan Channel with plans to take Boundary Pass into the Strait...


Afternoon Trip with Bigg’s Orcas near Victoria! | 08/05/2018 | 2:00

Jordan | August 5, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 2:00 trip

Today was such a great day out on the water! The Kestrel headed out from Friday Harbor and traveled south down through the San Juan Channel. Then, Captain Mike and I traveled west towards the Canadian border and towards Vancouver Island. As we grew closer to the city of Victoria we found our whales!

In fact, we saw a fantastic pod of Bigg’s (transient) whales, the T18s, who were in the process of hunting a harbor seal! Within this...


Evening well spent along with J16s

M/V Sea Lion was all boarded and ready to go along with Captain Pete, naturalist Jordan and myself. The sunset trip was sounding like a good one already with a report of southern resident orca within our range. The only problem was, we didn’t know whether to head south or north to get around to the West side of the island from Friday Harbor. We were hesitant that if we went one way versus the other, they would keep moving the opposite way and away making it harder for us to catch up...


Afternoon Trip with Killer Whales in Trincomali | 07/10/2018 | 5:30

Jordan | July 10, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 trip

What a great trip we had today! We received reports of whales traveling off of Active Pass up in Canadian waters. So, Captain Pete and I voyaged up through the San Juan Channel, past Boundary Pass, around the west side of Saturna Island and all the way up to Trincomali Channel. It was a long journey but it was definitely worth it when we found the whales!

We found two pods of transient whales, T124As and T36As, traveling together up...

Orca swimming

Two Trips with SJS Whale Watching with Transient Whales in Canada! | 07/07/2018 |1:30 & 5:30

Jordan | July 7, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 & 5:30 trips

Captain Gabe, naturalist Rachel and I received reports of the T124As up in Canada! So, on both our trips today we boated up into international waters to see the whales.

On our first trip, we went up to Canada and found the killer whales off of a tiny island called Blunden, near the south point of south Pender Island. We followed them around Blunden and up the channel along the east side of Saturna Island. The four transient...

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