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female Bigg's orcas hunting

Spyhop!: Bigg's Orca family, the T99B's, hunt and play in Rosario Strait

Erick | Friday, March 15, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00


On Friday, it was another beautiful sunny day that reminded us that spring is just around the corner for us! Captain Mike and I headed out with a great group up north to go see what we could find! We headed through San Juan Channel, then to Spring Pass, and through Presidents Channel. In Presidents Channel we got to see a lot of Harbor Porpoise. I sometimes call this area Porpoise alley. Harbor Porpoises are definitely our...

2 male Bigg's Orcas

We found Killer Whales in San Juan Channel!: T101 and T90 Bigg's Orca families hunt near Friday Harbor

Erick | Wednesday, March 13, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion| | 12:00 


This Wednesday was one of the first days it really has felt like spring here in the islands. The sun was out and there was only a slight breeze in the air. Captain Pete and I took a good-sized crew out to go see what wonderful wildlife was also out enjoying the sunshine. We headed south after we left Friday Harbor. We rounded Turn Island and just as we made our way into Griffin Bay we saw some blows just ahead in San Juan...

Bigg's Orcas

Orcas and Humpback Whales Hang out around Patos Island

[Sunday, 6/10/18 - M/V Sea Lion - Noon - Naturalist Erick]


On Sunday, Captain Pete, myself, and one of the new Naturalists, Jordan, left with a super group aboard M/V Sea Lion to search the Salish Sea for all it’s wonderful critters. First, we made our way towards the outer islands of the San Juan archipelago. These Islands are where the U.S. and Canada border is located and are more sparsely populated then the four main islands a little bit south. Just north of PAtos Island with...

Bigg's Orcas

Sunset with Two Families of Orca Whales

[Sunday, 5/27/18 - M/V Kestrel - 6:00PM - Naturalist Erick]


On our evening trip on M/V Kestrel we got to enjoy the long, slow sunset over the Salish Sea. Captain Brian and I first headed towards the north side of Stewart Island. We soon saw blows closely following the shoreline. It was a group of Bigg’s Orcas traveling along the island. These are the orcas that prey on marine mammals  and this family that we were seeing is one that we have been seeing a few times the past few days...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orcas Chase Steller Sea Lions at East Point (T36A's)

[Thursday, 5/3/18 - M/V Sea Lion - 12:00 - Naturalist Erick]


May is here and things are beginning to feel more and more like summer. More staff are arriving back and even Captain Pete has returned from his journeys around the world. Captain Pete tagged along with us on this trip as Captain Mike and I took folks out on another sunny day in the islands. We started by heading north and looking in the places where there is food for the whale species and types that we usually see during...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orca Family T2C's Hunting in Spieden Channel

[Sunday, 4/1/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]


            On Sunday, we went on another fun search for wonderful wildlife in the San Juan Islands! We headed north towards Spieden Island. We made a quick stop just south of Point Caution because there were four Bald Eagles fighting over some carcass right next to shore. They were super active and kept dive bombing each other with talons open! After they flew away we continued northward. We headed through Spieden Channel...

Bigg's Orcas

Bigg's Orca Whales Hunt in front of Friday Harbor

[Friday, 3/16/18 - 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]

     We have been experiencing a long sunny break from our normal drizzly spring weather and it seems to be bringing out all the natural spring activities in full force. Flowers are blooming, there are little lambs running around everywhere, and the birds have started to migrate back north. On this lovely, sunny day Captain Mike and I took our small group of guests out to search for some fun wildlife. We headed north towards...

Adult Male Bigg's Orca

Bigg's Deal: Bigg's Killer Whale Family (T2C's) Travels through Rosario Strait!

[Saturday – 3/10/18 – 12:00 – M/V Sea Lion – Naturalist Erick]

Bigg's Orca Family in Rosario Strait (T2C's)

            Here we are, It is another fabulous, sunny day in the Salish Sea. Captain Mike, Piper, and I headed out into the sunshine to look for some exciting wildlife. We headed north and ended up taking an inter-island route in between all the larger islands of our little archipelago like Shaw, Lopez, and Orcas Islands. We ended up heading in this easterly direction because...


Transients!!! (whales that is)

Today we left Friday Harbor at about 1 pm and headed out south past Cattle Point in the Strait of Juan De Fuca.
We found some Transient orcas! These orca usually hang near Canada and usually in a small bunch 5 to 6 whales.
I think we counted about 12 to 16 individuals traveling all together and from what I have read and heard this is rare.

The transient orcas were amazing. I was really impressed with them. Our guests were very excited about their encounter. On the way back our...

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