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Two Transient Orca Families Hunt in Haro Strait [Saturday, 10/6/18 - M/V Sea Lion - Erick]

[Saturday, 10/6/18 - M/V Sea Lion - Erick]


This Saturday, Captain Mike, Rachel, and I took a full crew of passengers out on M/V Sea Lion on a beautiful fall day! We headed out on this sunny afternoon and started going south. We made our first stop at Turn Rocks just on the other side of Turn Island. Here we saw our first marine mammals, some Harbor Seals! There was a bunch of them sunning themselves on the rocks. These little rock sausages are so adorable and sleepily looked back...


Killer Whales Right Outside of Friday Harbor!

Piper | 09/29/2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00pm

Today began as a blustery September Saturday on San Juan Island. Captains Gabe and Sarah and I hopped aboard the M/V Sea Lion with a great group of adventurers and off into the Salish Sea we went! We didn't have to go very far today, though, because we'd barely finished watching a bald eagle soar off Point Caution before we were watching a group of Bigg's killer whales meander down San Juan Channel! This group of orcas was identified based...

L87 Onyx breaches near San Juan Island

A slew of Steller Sea Lions and J pod Orcas Breaching [M/V Sea Lion, Monday, 9/24/18, 12:00]


Captain Mike, Sarah, and myself took out a wonderful group aboard M/V Sea Lion to look for the wide array of wildlife that we have the opportunity to watch in the Salish Sea in September. We took our group south through San Juan Channel towards Cattle Pass. We made our first stop mid channel in between San Juan and Lopez Islands to look at a Steller Sea Lion that had just surfaced! It was our first marine mammal of the day! This adult male had just returned to the surface after...


Humpback Whales on the Westside of San Juan Island | 08/22/2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 01:30pm

[Sarah | 08/22/2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 01:30 Classic Tour]

On Wednesday Captain Pete, naturalist Mariana, and I ventured out on the Salish Sea under smoky conditions. Though we have had record smoke from the surrounding area’s wildfires and light wind conditions making the smoke hang over the islands, our wildlife sightings have been unaffected.

We left Friday Harbor and headed south through San Juan Channel, catching glimpses of harbor porpoise and seals as we cruised through the flat...


Surprise Killer Whales in San Juan Channel! |8/29/18|1:30PM

Guests aboard M/V Sea Lion along with Cpt. Pete, naturalist Erick and I were excited to get on the water on this beautiful day with a report of orcas almost within our reach. Eager to get everyone on the boat and ready to pick up speed we took off hopeful to get to see these animals.

As of earlier, only one whale sighting from way up north had been reported. With no other reports in our area, we quickly headed up the San Juan Channel with plans to take Boundary Pass into the Strait...

Orca swimming

Morning Trip with Transient Whales near the Olympic Peninsula! | 08/22/2018 | 10:00

Jordan | August 22, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00 trip

This morning started off really crazily amazing! Captain Gabe and I headed out of Friday Harbor and headed south down through the San Juan Channel and almost immediately found a Steller sea lion eating a skate! Skates are a species of fish that are related to rays. So, the sea lion was splashing around at the surface, throwing around this flat floppy fish and ripping it apart! It was so exciting to witness the circle of life at work...


Sunset Trip with Humpback Whales near Victoria! | 08/21/2018 | 1:30

Jordan | August 21, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 trip

What a great day out on the water! Despite the fog and smoke that is still lingering around the San Juan Islands, we had a great day cruising around the Salish Sea.

We headed south down through the San Juan Channel and stopped by Whale Rocks to check out some Steller sea lions! These animals are HUGE and yet seem super elegant in the water…until they crawl up on land and lumber and roll around. We also saw some harbor seals that are...


Sunset Trip with Resident Whales on the Canadian Border! | 08/18/2018 | 5:30

Jordan | August 18, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 trip

What a beautiful evening trip in the San Juan Islands! As the sun started to set behind the picturesque clouds, we headed out of Friday Harbor to search for our whales. We headed south through the San Juan Channel and towards Victoria on Vancouver Island.

Before we reached Canadian waters, we found the whales! Suddenly we were surrounded by Southern Resident whales all around our boat! It was so exciting seeing the magnificent...


Two Groups of Transient Orcas [Thursday, 8/16/18, M/V Sea Lion Noon & 5:30PM]

[Thursday, 8/16/18, M/V Sea Lion Noon & 5:30PM]


On Thursday, the M/V Sea Lion had two wonderful trips out on the Salish Sea. Naturalists Sarah and I on both trips took great groups of people out. On our first trip we saw a bunches of Harbor Seals swimming around and resting on rocks on Whale Rocks in Cattle Pass. Then we went to Lawson Reef in Rosario Strait and saw a group of Transient (Bigg’s) Orcas. These orcas are the ecotype that live on the west coast of North America that...


Morning Trip with Transient Whales in the Haro Strait! | 08/15/2018 | 10:00

Jordan | August 15, 2018 | M/V Kestrel | 10:00 trip

The morning was a beautiful start to the day as the fog, that has been heavy on our sea for the past week, burned away as the sun came out. Captain Gabe and I heard several reports of whales so we were excited to head out into open waters today.

We zipped out of Friday Harbor and headed south through the San Juan Channel. We boated through Cattle Pass and checked out a few Steller sea lions that were lounging on the Whale Rocks...

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