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Rare Leucism Whale in Canada! 06/01/19

Jordan | M/V Kestrel | 06/01/19 | 3:00 pm

As we set out of Friday Harbor on our second trip of the day, everyone was really excited and ready for an amazing adventure to come. Captain Gabe and I took the Kestrel and sped off towards the north and right to Speiden Island.

Right away we saw a gorgeous bald eagle! It was beautiful perching high in the trees close to the shoreline.

But then as we continued, we found more animals! The adorable harbor seals! One of them was hilarious as he tanned his back-end up on a rock while struggling to keep his head out of the water! These cute animals were definitely struggling to fight the rising tide and tried hard to stay on the dry rocks.

Then we found even more bald eagles! As we reached the western point of Speiden Island, two more bald eagles were perched in a tree. But then suddenly we saw strange movement on the island. It was some strange little creature running up the hill! It looked like a mix between and otter and a mongoose. But, it was a mink! A little wet mink probably returning to his shelter after hunting on the shoreline. He was such a cute surprise!

Then we continued west across the Haro Strait and into Canadian waters! We boated up towards Salt Springs Island and here we found orca whales! It was an incredible sight to see! This large pod of transient whales was so beautiful as they swam near the shoreline. Then we spotted the really special whale of the group! T46B1B! He has leucism which means he’s super pale! And for a typically black orca whale, that means he looks gray! It was unbelievable to see such a rare sight. I’m so happy for my guests to get to see such an amazing encounter.

Suddenly we spotted 4 sea lions hunting in the water just meters away from our orcas! They were obliviously tossing fish in the air when suddenly the orcas lunged forward, and the sea lions disappeared. We awaited in suspense on the boat expecting bloodshed. It was calm for a very long time till finally we saw the orcas emerge, calmly moving away from the sea lions that were swimming speedily in the opposite direction. It was very exciting. Luckily for the sea lions, it looked like they were able to escape unbitten.

Eventually we headed back towards the harbor. But that was seriously such a fantastic day out on the water!

P.S. I’m naming the whale with leucism: Louie!

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