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Bigg's Killer Whales in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Humpback and Killer Whales Swimming South of Lopez Island

Olivia | August 26th, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00am

What a fun morning on the water! Captain Gabe received reports of several whales nearby, so we set out south through San Juan Channel. With our whales just south of Lopez Island, we decided to stop at Whale Rocks and check out the largest sea lions in the world- Steller’s Sea Lions! There were heaps of them bellowing over the water, swimming along the shoreline of this mini island, and snoozing in the sunshine. We also acquired some...

Bigg's Killer Whales near San Juan Island

Heaps of Whales Close to San Juan Island!

Olivia | August 19th, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00am

 The whales made our job look so easy today since there was absolutely no build up when we found them right out of Friday Harbor! The only thing we had a chance to see prior was a Bald Eagle soaring above the pines while I was giving my animal sighting chat to our passengers. The T49A’s were milling south in the San Juan Channel and we were able to view them for a wee bit before splitting off and checking out more wildlife. We do our...


Fantastic Minke Whale Experience South of San Juan Island

Olivia | August 8th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30pm

With a gorgeous day ahead of us, Captain Pete, Co-Naturalist Alexandria and I decided to head south down San Juan Channel towards some potential whale reports near Salmon Bank, while also staying on the look out for other possible whales and wildlife in the area. Along this route, we were seeing heaps of Harbor Porpoises popping up with those chocolate chip dorsal fins. Just as we breached the Strait of Juan de Fuca, we started...


Gray Whale Adventure Near Whidbey


Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 07/22/19 | 1:30pm

What an adventure!

Today, Captain Pete, Naturalist Erin and I headed out of Friday Harbor with no reports of whales!

We searched and searched the surrounding area. We boated up through the channel between Shaw and Lopez and down under Decatur Island and through the Lopez Passage. We headed across the Rosario Strait, all the while looking for any signs of wildlife.

We made it all the way to Whidbey Island and here we found a blow really...

Bigg's Killer Whales near Clark Island

Playful Killer Whales near Clark Island

Olivia | July 16th, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30pm

Today was a gorgeous day out on the water! We had multiple sightings reported for whales in our area, and Captain Gabe decided to go with our best option of heading south just a wee bit before passing between Shaw and Lopez Islands. Between these islands we saw three Bald Eagles and a Bald Eagle Nest! These large birds of prey are considered to be monogamous by returning to the same nest with the same mate year after year. They...

Steller's Sea Lions Around San Juan Island

Sunsets and Steller's Sea Lions in the Salish Sea

Olivia | June 29, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30pm

Sunset tours are always favored by the staff, and for good reason! Calm seas, gorgeous, golden sunset over the water, and Cattle Point Lighthouse silhouetted in the background- what’s not to love? We started off the tour heading south towards Salmon Bank where there were potential wildlife sightings. We saw heaps of Pigeon Guillemots, Auklets, Gulls, and Bald Eagles as we traveled down the San Juan Channel. We even saw a juvenile Bald...


Bigg's Orcas, T65As, in Rosario Strait!

Piper | Monday, June 24, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 1:30 PM

On today’s afternoon trip Captain Erick, Erin, and I headed out into the Salish Sea with some really cool guests and we got to circumnavigate Lopez Island checking out all sorts of wildlife! Typically, when we leave the docks we either head up north or down south through San Juan Channel but today we got to go interisland, cutting across the channel and heading between Shaw and Lopez! We kept going and turned south into Lopez...


Humpback Splashes!

Alexandria | Thursday, May 17, 2019 | M/V Sea Lion | 12:00 PM

We all boarded M/V Sea Lion and pushed off the dock, happy to see that the afternoon had cleared up and the threat of rain was no longer something people were worried about. As we got off the dock we headed out into San Juan Channel and then over to Rosario Strait. 

Captain Pete was in constant communication with all the other captains on the water, and we were all working together to scout the area.  We each chose a...


Beautiful Day with J-Pod!

M/V Sea Lion | May 6th, 2019 | Naturalist Alexandria

Today was a beautiful day!  Not only did we get spend a generous amount of time with our Resident Orcas in the area- but we also had a gorgeous, sunny day with Mt. Baker and the Olympics as the backdrop to our amazing afternoon!

As we boarded onto M/V Sea Lion we already knew it was going to be a beautiful day, but we had no idea how amazing our looks of these beautiful members of J-Pod would be!  We headed south down San Juan...

Dall's Porpoise

A Day with Dall’s Porpoise

Alexandria | Wednesday, April 17, 2019 | 12:00 | M/V Sea Lion 

Today on our trip onboard M/V Sea Lion we were treated to some great looks at some Dall Porpoise off Cattle Point.  We had just hung out and checked out some very fun Steller Sea Lions that were hauled out at Whale Rocks, when we were greeted by some enthusiastic Dall’s Porpoise. 

The cool thing about Dall’s Porpoise is that they are very friendly and fun animals!  You could tell they were swimming up to our boat...

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