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Canada or bust!

We went international to observe a pod rumored to be around the Golf Islands of Canada. Shortly after crossing the international boarder and entering the Swanson Channel we saw a group of around fifteen lively orcas. The surface around them was turning with activity as Mickey Mouse ear pectoral fins slapped the surface, full-body breaches created wakes and tails slammed onto the water. There were three mature males within the mix and the two that were traveling closely together...


Smorgasbord of Species

The killer whales were close today so we had plenty of observation time and were able to see a smorgasbord of species.  We first encountered L pod and successfully identify the 34-year-old male Mega (L-41) who was traveling alongside the 22-year-old male Gaia (L-78).  What was really exciting was the amount of calves that were traveling and playing together.  There were at least three youngsters who were taking turns lob tailing, propoising, spy hopping and breaching next to each...


Orcas Island and Orca Whales

Today, even the Kittiwake had an adventure!  We traveled over to Orcas Island to pick up a family of ten for a private charter and from there on, we were surrounded by a continuous showing by Pacific Northwest wildlife!

First, it was a little harbor seal between Lopez and Shaw Islands.  Next, it was one then two stellar sea lions (BIG ones too--they can weigh up to 2,200 pounds and be ten feet long!) swimming in the currents between Lopez and San Juan Islands.  Further into the...


Js Ks and Ls

We headed out of Friday Harbor with some very fun and excited passengers.  Our first stop was right around the corner with some harbor seals hauled out on the rocks and we even saw a tiny little pup trying to climb on its moms back while swimming in the current.  We continued on through Cattle Pass and quickly found a great group of Orcas near False Bay.  As we slowly approached and started watching one group, we saw even more whales in every direction around us.  The word from other...


Orca Breach-Fest 2011

There's a theory among whale watch captains that whales breach more when the waves are choppier.  Last night's trip was definite proof for that theory!

We left the harbor southbound, searching for our earlier super pod.  As we peeked out of the safety of the islands at Cattle Pass, the wind was blowing down from the Olympic Mountains, creating a fierce chop in the water.  As we traveled northwest, sea spray was blowing over the bow and the port side of the boat; everyone took shelter...


Syncronized Surfacings in the Fog

Traveling east between Orcas and Shaw Islands and then south along Lopez, we emerged in the Rosario straight.  Despite starting in beautiful and warm Friday Harbor sunshine, we quickly became encompassed in a cool low-lying fog bank (but still at least giving us 225 yards of visibility).  Looming off our starboard side was another whale watching vessel, stopped, watching, waiting.  With a quick radio call to them, we learned that they were waiting for whales off of their port side...



Another great day on the west side of San Juan Island!  To start the trip off right we almost immediately spotted a bald eagle perched on Turn Island.  This must have been a good omen because today's trip was spectacular.  Little did we know it at the time, but there were about 20 orcas on the west side.  We traveled towards False Bay, stopping to watch the Steller's sea lions on Whale Rocks.  They were roaring loud today!  Our crew was so entertained with these charismatic creatures...


Wildly Entertaining

I know I have said this a million times, but it was a whale of a day! First, we saw members of the J pod on the south end of San Juan near Salmon Bank.  Once again we identified J26 "Mike".  Then, we saw more whales, possibly members of the L pod, along the west side of San Juan around Eagle Point.  The whales were widely spread out in all directions, traveling in groups of about 5-10.  Every day is different and today we got a little taste of everything.  We saw spyhopping...


Over the river and through the woods..........

Map: Active Pass, Canada

Today we ventured to Active Pass in Canada to admire those beautiful black and white creatures known as Orcas.
It is not very often we have to travel this far to see them. Thanks to the gorgeous weather, our guests definitely did not mind the boat ride. The longer boat rides are often very nice because we get the opportunity to know the guests on board a little better and delve into deeper subjects relating to the Orca population. Also we get to see many of...


Orca Whales and Mountain Vistas

The reports were in, telling us to search near the west side of San Juan Island for a group of L-pod orca whales.  We arrived at False Bay shortly after departing from Friday Harbor.  A cross-cultural crew of guests from Singapore to Kentucky adjusted their binoculars and were ready to see our famous Southern Resident Orcas.  Their dreams of visiting the remarkable San Juan Islands this summer had finally become a reality.  From the sunny deck of the Sea Lion we saw a tall, glossy...

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